App name length? Apple new policy


I have an app that has a longer title than 50 caracters (new policy).

Does anyone has an idea on what's going to happen to my title and app?

How can I update the title without recreating a new app publishing?


Answered by bob133 in 175805022

My understanding, based on what I've read in, is that the 50-character requirement will be enforced only when you go to update the app. The warning and 30-day notice only applies if quality issues have been discovered. Now when you go to update your app, you'd have to bring it into compliance with the 50-character limit, but if the app continues to work correctly than nothing has to immediately change.

Now that Apple wants all apps with name below 50 chars, they should implement an easier, express way to change app name!

"Starting September 7th, all app titles will be limited to 50 characters maximum. Live apps with titles that exceed 50 characters will be subject to warning from Apple. If within 30 days of receiving a warning the offending title hasn’t been updated, the app will be kicked off of the store."

I didn't hear that Apple will remove existing apps that has app title longer than 50 characters, who said this?

Is it verified?

Accepted Answer

My understanding, based on what I've read in, is that the 50-character requirement will be enforced only when you go to update the app. The warning and 30-day notice only applies if quality issues have been discovered. Now when you go to update your app, you'd have to bring it into compliance with the 50-character limit, but if the app continues to work correctly than nothing has to immediately change.

So not updating your app, keeping the old,descriptive title for a while, has an advantage since these apps will rise in the search results while other apps get updated with a shorter app store name 😕

Or Apple will handicap the app until tbe developer updates it to less than 50 characters. I noticed my app took a ranking hit very recently. (image attached)

I see no indication Apple will wait for an update to enforce the 50-char limit.

There is no indication that they will remove apps wth more than 50 characters, I think their algo will handicap people trying to stuff keywords in their search. I'm noticing it in the last few days. Also the 50 character limit seems nature to implement during review. The App Name field in iTunes connect will shortly cap at 50 characters and the next time you want to update, you will have to comply with that.

We should know today... If they do lean only on updates, it will show just how much effort/resources they're willing to put into correcting the issue, I think. Might be easier to just phone it in 😉

Keep in mind, there are two different concepts, quality of apps and app name length. The quality of apps is one where they will run through their inventory and judge if they shall be removed or not. A 30-day notice will be given. The app name length in my opinion will likely be a next update thing, maybe unless some users are really squeezing the limit, they might get an individualized take-down. I highly doubt they would do major take-down action regarding app names. More likely to handicap.

PS We will not likely hear anything regarding this during todays keynote, as it don't really concern the general public. A general mention of the App Store cleanse, but no specifics.

Is anybody aware of Developers receiving emails from the Review Team to update/change their already approved apps?

I'm just wondering how they selected these apps. I presume they will start looking at the last update date first --> get out the very old, never updated apps innitially...

Guys, we have a bigger problem. Do you know that for Russian language you have only 25 symbols? I think this is not only with Russian, but anyways it really affects on my ASO and incomes. I asked the support for a help.

App name length? Apple new policy