Storyboard preview- Xcode force closes


Whenever I try to access the storyboard preview feature (so that I don't have to keep using Xcode Simulator), Xcode just force closes, and an error message says that 'Xcode quit enexpectedly'. What could be the cause of this error?

I am using Xcode Version 7.3.1 (7D1014).

OS X El Capitan Version 10.11.6


Answered by mts396 in 175878022

I can confirm it now works after uninstalling/reinstalling Xcode.

Does it work when you launch in simulator ?

Otherwise, you may have an invalid outlet connection.

Yes, it works perfectly in simulator- this problem is strange.

What do you mean by invalid outlet connection ? Could you elaborate please?


If you have defined an outlet referencing an object and then change for instance the IBOutlet name without rebuilding the link, you'll have a crach becase the nib will point to nowhere.

I've checked and all the outlets are correct.

I think this problem is something else- was just wondering if others have experienced it too.

Accepted Answer

I can confirm it now works after uninstalling/reinstalling Xcode.

Storyboard preview- Xcode force closes