Which xCode do we use with the Teaching App Development with Swift Curriculum?

I am trying to get my students computers set up to teach using the Teaching App development with Swift curriculum. I am having a hard time figuring out which Xcode to download. I seem to be getting errors when I use 6.3 that the instructor on the video uses and on the newest 7.3.1

Xcode 6.3 was w/swift 1.2

Xcode 7.3.1 is w/swift 2.2

If that TAD uses old tools and you want to get along w/it, then you're obligated to xcode 6.3, I think.

Not sure I'd bother with it, tho...if you're going to put something in front of students, it would only frustrate them outside of your lab. I'd find aonther TAD.

Which xCode do we use with the Teaching App Development with Swift Curriculum?