iOS Universal Links with Wildcards not working as per this link Universal links with wildcards working fine, followed steps in this link to apply deep linking to my application but it doesn't work. When clicking on a link in received email, it should navigate to my application but it is opening in safari browser. I have mentioned "*" as applinks in Associated domains under Capabilities in Xcode and in our web side we have deployed "apple-app-site-association" file in root folder. My server host name like "" and I have mentioned applinks like "*" this universal links with wildcard feature is not working.I have Enabled ‘Associated Domains’ in my app identifier on, If I have mentioned applinks like "" then it is working fine. My application Developement target is 9.3.

The second post from jShock (Sept. 19) on this forum thread may help.

@HarithaAnasuri Did you find a solution? I am facing the same issue

For anyone with this same problem, please try following the steps here and see if this helps : TN3155: Debugging universal links | Apple Developer Documentation

iOS Universal Links with Wildcards not working