All the guidance online, published by Apple and anywhere else, as far as I can tell, talks about editing your certificate entries on the Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles page.
Has anyone else seen this and is there a solution? Creating new identities is a much more involved process than simply renewing a certificate, so I'm keen to avoid going down that route.
Many thanks.
The update process should be something like the following:
Merchant / Payment Service Provider requests and generates a new key pair.
Merchant / Payment Service Provider generate a CSR using key from step 1.
Merchant uploads CSR to to their Apple Merchant ID.
Apple Developer Account generates the Payment Processing Certificate. At this stage the new keys / certificate are dormant on the Apple Developer account, ready to be activated.
Merchant downloads the new Payment Processing Certificate (and provides it to their Payment Service Provider for decryption). The Merchant/PSP should now have two active Cert / Key pairs on the platform.
Merchant activates the new Cert / Key pairs within the Apple Developer Account and this triggers the new keys to be propagated to our data centres and will be used for all new transactions.
Merchant / PSP checks the publicKeyHash for each transaction to identify the appropriate private key to use for decryption.
Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS