Use of BLE after app clip invocation

i understand that an AppClip cannot be invoked by a BLE packet or iBeacon, but I wonder if it is possible for an app clip, once invoked, to scan for BLE — I.e. can an AppClip include any app functionality, or is it limited to certain APIs.


App clips can use a lot of functionality, including Bluetooth. However, app clips can't do any work in the background, including maintaining Bluetooth connections.

Please read Developing a Great App Clip for information on functionality available to app clips, and other information on the main documentation page.

@Documentation Engineer by background, does this mean that the app needs to be open, or does it mean that bluetooth connectivity needs to be done on a main thread (as opposed to a background thread)...I am getting crashes when trying to use bluetooth with app clips and I don't know why, a ticket has been submitted with crash logs to feedback assistant, but according to my googling it is a app clip bug due to the nature of the crash.