macOS Big Sur - Multiple Display "Recovery"

I've found something thing macOS Big Sur broke - the "recovery" after changing display sources. Let me explain...

I have one big 4K monitor, connected to both my Mac (USB-C) and my PC (HDMI). I switch between the two sources on the monitor depending on what I'm doing. Each computer also has its own dedicated monitor (built-in for my Macbook, an old external for my PC).

Prior to macOS Big Sur, if I switched to the PC input on the monitor, all the macOS windows would shift over to the built-in laptop display, and then shift back to their correct window once I switched back. They no longer do that.

The application all stay on the laptop screen and the big screen is empty when I switch the source back on the monitor. I then have to move everything back to the big display.

I guess that's better than the PC behavior where even if you switch the source on the display back to the Mac, Windows still thinks its connected and continues to extend the display (the fix for that is to go to display properties and select "only show on display 2") , but thats a whole other gripe.

Has anyone else experienced this as well? Is there a setting I'm missing? Should I file a bug report?
I'm also experiencing this bug. If you unplug an external display and then plug it back in, none of your apps’ windows (which were on the external display’s Space beforehand) are visible or where they used to be. Usually for me, the external monitor’s Space appears completely empty.

There's a Reddit thread about it here

Good luck guys, and please fix this Apple!
Another confirmation that this fix does work! Running 2019 MBP hooked up to an LG 27UD88-W via USB-C.

System Preferences -> Display -> HDMI Monitor -> Color -> Calibrate... -> Click through all the dialogs, Done!

I have filled another ticket with Apple - please do it also we are loosing time and money with this one so we need a fix asap ticket number --> FB8939826
I'm happy to report my MacBook Pro 15 (2018) has stopped messing with my windows since the upgrade to Big Sur 11.1.
I can also confirm that this is fixed in 11.1 (MacBook Pro 2018). was so annoying!
fixed with the latest Big Sur 1.1 for me.
M1 mini with 2 x 27 inch displays (1 x HDMI, 1 using USB-C to HDMI adapter), running well now and no longer randomly messing up the display order and scaling after restart/ rewake from sleep.
MacBook Pro 16" 2019, after the last update i'm experiencing serious issues with my external monitor. I have two attached, the Dell U3417W has no issues, the BenQ SW271 is having issues. res is 1920x1080 (but it is a 4k monitor).

Sometimes it works good, mostly not after the last BigSur update this week :-( (directly after the update i noticed that the monitor arrangement was messed up also).

If i detach the Dell monitor, the BenQ is getting the right res. again.
Having issue with LG 35**75C-B monitor via USB-C cable. HDMI works but when I plugged USB-C in, not works.

Same issue, BigSur 11.1. Two monitors LG
Solution found!!
1) unplug usb c hub from both macbook and external monitor
2) plug usb c hub into macbook
3) plug hdmi cable into usb c hub.
I have the same issue.
Pls help me to fix it
I think same issue with mine. After i finish downloading mac OS Big Sur my external monitor wont seems theatest macOS isnt compatible with external monitors
I had the same problem with my external monitor. What I did was disabling the hdr option from the display configurations
Hi there,

I'm a simple user, but like my issue was resolved with the DisplayLink - thanks for the direction ajmoneyman :)

Here's how I resolved my issue:

System Preferences
Security & Privacy
Screen Recording
Untick / Tick the box next to DisplayLink Manager

Hours of driving me nuts resolved !! :) Happy fixing people :)

I have a J5 Create USB-C to 4 Port HDMI adapter. When I updated to Big Sur my external monitors were not recognized. Usually, when this happens I would unplug the adapter and replug it in and the iMac display flashes, then the external monitors come on. This time, nothing. I called apple. They were trying, but because the adapter isn't apple, they can only help you a little.

Update your drivers!!!!!!!
Apparently, the driver for the adapter was for Catalina. Since I upgraded to Big Sur, I needed to update the driver also, then restart cpu. Once it loaded up, I had to go into SYSTEM PREFERENCES---->Extensions.

I saw that I had to allow the driver before it was ready. Then one more restart and bam! My external displays are now working properly. I really hope this helps someone as I was irate!!!
I am having same issue.. I also regerting that i should not update new OS. How can we switch back or downgrade this.
THIS IS SUCH BS!!!! I just upgraded last week...BTW, it took several attempts..... and they STILL have not fixed the monitor issues??? WHY are they using the public as guinea pigs like Microsoft does??? I NEED multiple monitors. What is wrong with Apple!
Experiencing the same exact issue. Will not extend to multiple displays through Belkin Thunderbolt dock.
Ok guys, I have the same issue. Sort of. I have 2 external 27” 4K LG monitors connected to a Mac Pro(trash can) via Display Port cables. No usb docks involved, just a straight monitor to mac connection. When I wake up my computer and login, I don’t see any windows or folders/files on my desktop. Both screens are blank, all I see is the wallpaper and the dock. Looking at dock, I can see that my apps are still open and if I open Finder and go to Desktop folder, I see all of my files. I’ve upgraded to Big Sur on day one and have tried many different workarounds for this issue.

Here is what I’ve discovered so far. As few people suggested, I’ve tried calibrating the color profiles for external monitors but it didn’t help. Others suggested to update the display link drivers, but that would only work if I had a display link docking station. As I mentioned, my monitors are connected directly to my mac, so display link solution is not for me.

This wake up issue is intermittent, sometimes everything is displayed correctly after I login, but most of the time it’s messed up. Every time I log in and see this issue, I have to do one of two things:
a) Open System Preference-> Displays and then switch scaled resolution back and forth.
b) Right click Finder icon while holding Option key. Then click on Relaunch. This restarts the finder.

Either one of these methods work and all my files, app, windows reappear on my desktop. This is very annoying and I’ve been doing it for couple of months now. I can’t believe that Apple hasn’t fixed it yet. Everything worked fined under Catalina. Also, I have 2 identical Mac Pros with dual external monitors in different rooms. Both suffered from this issue after upgrading to Big Sur.

Last week I was able to find a permanent fix, although it’s not perfect. I went to System Preferences->Mission Control->Unchecked “Displays have separate Spaces”. This fixed the issue permanently. I’ve been logging in and out for over a week and it works 100%. However, I did use separate spaces a lot, so it’s still an inconvenience but it’s manageable now.

Let me know what you think or if anyone found a better solution.
There is a solution.
1- Go to Displays
2- Go to Arrangement tab
3- Drag the white menu bar from the laptop to the monitor
4- this will be saved as your preference every time you plug your mac again, unless you add more monitors, then you will have to rearrange your displays.

I'm facing the same issue currently when I tried to connect my second monitor, BigSur does not detect it and it goes offline .but when I switch the same adapter and connect it to the laptop it works fine. lastly, I would be able to detect only one monitor. it was working normally the previous week on Catalina.
This script to fix EDID problems on external monitors in macOS has solved my problem
After reading through these and trying numerous attempts at various orders of plugging and un-plugging my monitors, I was able to resolve this by simply rebooting my machine. 2017 MBP using a Belkin Thunderbolt 3 Express Dock HD to two HP monitors (1080). Dock is plugged into one of the left usb-C ports on the MBP. After rebooting, all three monitors (2 external 1 built-in) are working
I’m also having issues with my external
display (HP 24f Ultraslim Full HD, 23.8 inches) while using Microsoft Remote Desktop App.

After waking up my MacBook Air 2020 M1 from sleep mode, the external display will take a few seconds to turn on (which is fine) but some times the app will not allow me to use and view the full screen mode (the second screen will only show the Big Sur desktop). I tried to exit and open the full screen mode but the only thing that worked is restarting my computer. I have installed the latest firmware (11.3) so I'm not sure why I'm having this issue.
macOS Big Sur - Multiple Display "Recovery"