iTunes connect api limits

We have an in house application that needs to pull lists of users within a Test Flight group. referencing the documentation here it looks like you can only pull a maximum of 200 user records.

I've tried using offset in the query parameters to pull more records but this does not work. Does anyone know if it is possible to pull more than 200 records. Given you have have thousands of testers limiting you to 200 records seems like a huge limitation of the API



Hi Daz762!

In the response to your request for the first 200 testers, you will find a links section that looks like this:

Code Block
"links": {
"self": "***/betaTesters?limit=200",
"next": "***/betaTesters?cursor=YYY&limit=200"

You can follow the next link to fetch the next 200 testers in the group. That response will in turn contain yet another next link. You can follow these iteratively until you get to the last page, which will have no next link.

You can also calculate how many pages you’ll have to fetch by comparing the (which is the total number of testers in this group) with your limit.

Note that there are multiple links sections in the response: One for each relationship, and one at the bottom for the document as a whole. You want the document-level links at the bottom.

Hope this helps!
This is just what I was looking for, thanks very much! Is this in the official documentation anywhere?
Is there any performance benefit (or cost) to requesting more results per call instead of the default? In other words, set limit to 200 from first call.