Universal App Quick Start Forum?

Is the forum not up yet? I have a lot of questions already but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to post them on the regular forums yet.


According to https://developer.apple.com/download/universal/:

Use the “Universal App Quick Start” tag to ask questions and connect with Apple engineers and other members of the Universal App Quick Start Program.

But we want to see other posts with that tag, and I'm not sure if I'm not not used to the new forum, but I'm not seeing anything.

As of right now there is no “Universal App Quick Start” tag. Only “Universal Apps,” which is why I posted here. It seems like the tag isn’t live yet.
There was a tag early yesterday that I found when searching for dtk, but it seems to have been removed.
It looks like it's back, but you have to be signed in.

When you are signed in, under the user icon in the upper right, you can select between the Developer Forums ( this one) and Universal App Quick Start (where you want to be)
@Vallejo Developer
I have access to documentation and DTK downloads, but I don't see anything under my name on the forums.
Does anyone else see it?
Same experience here. It's clear there should be a tag named "Universal App Quick Start", of which there is not. I am logged in to the correct account that has access to the rest of the portal and I have selected the correct team that was given access to the program. I'm assuming it's just not live yet.
+1, I have some specific questions about DTK hardware behavior, so if anybody sees the right tag, please throw up a post.
Having the same issue. I can access the resources page, but not seeing how to access the forums/tag.
I am also experiencing this issue. It appears that the most likely scenario is that there is an issue preventing some, but not all users from accessing the tag. For users who can access the tag, they can see posts at https://developer.apple.com/forums/tags/universal-app-quick-start . For other users, myself included, this page says "The page you’re looking for can’t be found".

I personally contacted Apple Developer support and they have escalated the issue to another team.
I also cannot access the DTK private forum! I am typing this from my DTK Mac...
I also cannot access it. My application has been approved but my DTK Mac has not arrived yet.
Update: Now I can access the tag. I think Apple may have fixed the tag access issue last night. Either that, or someone manually updated my account after I contacted support. Or maybe it just becomes visible only after you receive the DTK, which I did last night.
It looks like they fixed it. I see the link under my profile now. I’ve had the DTK since Monday so I don’t think it has anything to do with when it arrives.