How to make App Clip launch via Website

I am developing an app clip, but I can't get it to launch from a website.

I have added the capability Associated Domains to my App Clip target with the URL
I also added _XCAPPCLIPURL to my clip with the URL

I have not added a Apple App Site Association file to my server yet

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

The Apple App Site Association file will have to be uploaded for Safari's Smart App Banner to be presented.

Please see Supporting Associated Domains for more information on how to setup associated domains.

Safari's Smart App Banner for app clips will not be available until iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 are released.
This was working in iOS 14 beta 5. It’s in the release notes.

Can you confirm if this was purposely disabled or broken in iOS 14 beta 6?
Just double checking, is the GM seed supposed to display the smart banner / card?
It still doesn't show for me, as far as I can tell I have setup everything correctly but I could be missing something.

Also, on App Store Connect, under Domain URL Status, is it enough that Debug status is green or does Cache status needs to be green too? If yes, how long does it usually take to refresh?

@NumaNuma I don’t know when the cache expires, but I did see it immediately refresh once when I uploaded and used a new build.
We tried so many things to make it work but we still couldn't. Qr and imessage works fine but app banner does not.

So, what's the intended behavior of app banners right now for iOS 14 release? Should it work fine or not? We know that there are some websites with a working Smart App Banner.
Update: We managed to make it work. It turned out that our website(using react) had problems. When we fixed it, we finally saw it.
The Smart App Banner works fine for an app which is in 'Ready for Sale' status.

Things to notice:
  1. the URL is the invocation URL, so make sure this is the domain in your appclips: entitlement.

  2. Make sure the URL overlaps the invocation URLs declared in an Advanced Experience, or set a default one.

I am not seeing Smart App Banners showing up in iOS 14 release version as well....
@otaliptus, what was the exact problem you had with React, causing the smart app banner not to display?
How to make App Clip launch via Website