My app clip is in the App Store, but it doesn't work!

I was excited to have my updated app with an app clip just approved for sale in the App Store. It's been working great for a couple of weeks via Test Flight.

But when I scan my QR code with the Control Panel QR Code Scanner, I get the dreaded grey/white card with the "This app clip is not currently available in your country or region" message.

Anyone else see their app clip working in production? Is there anything I need to do to fix the problem, do I just need to wait a little longer, or is this an Apple bug?
Update: After getting notification that my app update is "ready for sale," it took almost three hours (as usual) for the update to actually appear in the App Store. So now two things are happening:
  1. The "This app clip is not currently available in your country or region" message has gone way. Now the card appears with its image, but the bottom half displays "App Clip Unavailable." I'm hoping that this message will be replaced with card content soon!

  2. Most surprising: When using the iOS 14 Camera app, a "link box" comes down from the top that displays my app clip instructions and an app clip symbol, and tapping it displays the app clip card at the bottom of the screen! (The card still displays "App Clip Unavailable" at the bottom.) Unfortunately, my app clip instructions say to "tap the Open button," and that button does not appear in the "link box." Need to fix that.

Hi @rynning,

We had the same problems before ready for sale stage. However, now we released new version (which is just now available in App Store) and problems are gone. It's now working fine via Qr Code.

Also, scanning from camera started to work too.

Edit: Just to make sure, I tried via three different phones(US, Turkey and Zimbabwe). No problems occurred.
I am in the same position.

My app is live on the AppStore (for roughly 12 hours now), "A Repeatable List", however:
  • the app clip banner does not appear on the website (https://www

  • scanning an NFC tag to the website shows the App Clip card image as expected, but the lower half says "App Clip Unavailable"

  • scanning a QR code to the website shows the App Clip notification, tapping the notification shows the same "App Clip Unavailable" experience as NFC

  • sending the URL in iMessage appears as a link instead of an App Clip prompt

I am convinced that it might be due to deactivated Advanced App Clip Experiences I have added during development and testing using different domains and websites. (There does not appear to be a way to remove these completely).
I currently have 1 active experience that is producing the results described above, and 2 deactivated ones pointing to different domains & websites.

The App Clip was completely fine during TestFlight testing (TEST/OPEN from TestFlight), however the only problem appears to be the experience in production.

To see what the App Clip experiences should be, you can test the following URLs:

EDIT: Extra information, when testing on a new device, the App Clip appears with the correct title/subtitle/button text, however once the image loads, the content is reloaded showing the "App Clip Unavailable" message on the lower half with the correct image on the top half.
Another update: Nothing has changed since last night.

@atrinh, I agree it may have to do with deactivating Advanced Experiences. I had two Advanced Experiences and deactivated one of them. However, when I went back into App Store Connect, I see both are now activated. When and why did that happen? I'm also not sure why we can't delete Advanced Experiences.

Another problem: the Camera app "APP CLIP QR CODE" panel that drops down from the top also shows an old title and subtitle, not the updates that I made yesterday.

Has Apple acknowledged these bugs and do they have an ETA, or is there anything we should do? I'm going to deactivate both of them and create a new one to see if that makes a difference.

Finally, when saving an Advance Experience does anyone know why the displayed message is "Sent to Apple"? Does that mean Apple is reviewing and approving each one? How long should we wait before the Advanced Experience is activated?
Can you put the QR code on Imgur and post a link?
I have found that a deliberate QR code scan produces a better experience than a scan from the camera.

Try this: Go to Settings -> Control Center. Add "QR Code Reader" to your control panel. Launch Control Panel -> QR code reader. Scan your app clip code and it might work perfectly.

Yes, this is lame and we really hope Apple improves the camera experience.
Here is the QR code that produces the "App Clip Unavailable" card for me...

https: //

I should also note that this is a new app clip URL that is currently in "Received" status in App Store Connect, so maybe the issue goes away once it's in "Published" status?
Here is my broken QR experience:
https ://

Also regarding "Received" vs "Published", I have verified with someone with working App Clips that their Advanced App Clip Experiences section stays on "Received".

It is broken for both camera scanning and the control centre QR code scanner. (Both cases show the App Clip icon before showing the "App Clip Unavailable" card).
@atrinh, it's good (for me at least) to know I'm not the only one having this problem!

My first submission was rejected, but I won an appeal and my app was published. Just to make sure that wasn't what was causing the "App Clip Unavailable" issue, I submitted a new version of my app early this morning and it was approved within an hour(!), but the problem is still there.

@Apple, can you tell us what's going on and what we can do to fix it? Thanks!
I have also submitted a new version to attempt to resolve this, thinking it may have been caused by dead code stripping or bitcode enabled, or because it was built using the first Xcode 12 GM release (ending in 208). However this did not work, I am still seeing the same issue.

I have reached out to the Apple Developer Technical Support team and raised a Technical Support Incident (TSI). They have advised that I raise a bug report.

A bug has been filed for this issue, FB8711782.
@atrinh, I also opened a case with Apple early this morning. We can't be the only two apps with this problem, right?
@rynning, I have found extra information. I have a spare iPhone that I wiped and upgraded to iOS 14. Without signing with my Apple ID, the App Clip works, even the banner on the website shows. Once I login with my Apple ID, the banner stops working, however the App Clip card still works from QR codes and NFC tags.

Now strangely, when I reboot the device, I start seeing the issue, App Clip Unavailable. This does not happen to other App Clips that work regardless of whatever I do.

Furthermore, when I sign out of iCloud on the device, the App Clips begin working again (without restarting).

I have updated my bug report with the SysDiagnose data, hopefully we will get a response soon.
Did someone was able to fix it? we are having the same issue at the moment.
Here's an update: Our App Clip was working fine until this afternoon. Now, it's broken, shows "App Clip unavailable". We didn't release anything, we didn't change anything.

Any thoughts, @Apple?
Hi guys, just to let you know, I'm having the same problem as well.

I guess we will have to wait 🤷‍♂️
This may be the same issue identified in the App Clip Unavailable thread.

If the interim solution from that thread does not resolve your issue then please file a bug report and provide the report number.
hi @rynning 

were you able to solve this issue without going live? i want to test this with testflight and getting same error that app clip is not available in your country
@atrinh @rynning I’m also having the appclip unavailable issue, logging out apple id does the trick also. Did you fixed anything to address this issue or did Apple fixed it for you?

Hi everybody ! Any news on that matter ?! we're experiencing the same issue.

  • AppClip is live (default experience)
  • AppClip associated domain is set
  • Smart App Banner is set (not always showing though 🤷‍♂️)
  • AASA is live too.

We still have the "App Clip Unavailable" message.

// EDIT: disconnecting from appstore fix this (but is not a solution)

I am getting same issue. It is showing header image which we have configured in "Advance Experiences" but in bottom of the card it displays "App Clip Unavailable". Please help me out from it.

Thanks in advance

My app clip is in the App Store, but it doesn't work!