No audio on local device build

I built a simple Swift game in SpriteKit. I have audio on the simulator but no audio or sound effects on the device. Any suggestions?
Answered by Canucklynx in 639960022
Solved: I had my silent mode switch on. This is interesting since I would get audio from other apps but not the local build.
Accepted Answer
Solved: I had my silent mode switch on. This is interesting since I would get audio from other apps but not the local build.
You can control whether sound plays or doesn't play when the silent mode switch is on. Configure your AVAudioSession to use a suitable category:

(That last one is a legacy document, but I believe it's still correct about the interaction between category and silent switch.)

If I hadn't found this I'm not sure how long I would've been stuck since I typically keep my silent switch turned on all the time. Thank you and for me the issue was specifically related to needing to use the playback property which I'll link below:

No audio on local device build