Bugged Xcode 12.1 download from App Store


I have trouble updating my Xcode to version 12.1. Since version 12.0 I have constant troubles with updating(Not enough storage space to upgrade - I have over 70gb of free space) but update to 12.1 failed and I had to remove Xcode from my Mac. Now when I try to download it again it either downloads(5gb from 11gb total took like 12 hours) or stays at 0kb downloaded.

Troubleshooting steps I did:
  1. Restart my Mac, log out of AppStore and log back in - no success.

  2. Clear AppStore cache files, remove old Xcode folders like "Developers" - no success

  3. I cannot update macOS - I'm running latest 10.15.7(I don't use beta software).

  4. I've performed clean install of my macOS Catalina from Recovery - that also didn't helped at all.

  5. Wi-Fi connection and stable and with decent speed.

  6. Apple macOS updates/AppStore service are available on dashboard with green status

I wondering if something is damaged with my Mac because I feel like I've done everything I can to troubleshoot this issue.

Has anyone encountered similar issue to mine and maybe figured out a solution to this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Same issue here. Same process. Also uninstalled a working copy of xcode to free up storage but now I can't download 12 (non-beta). My guess is that it has something to do with cache, app store, busy servers or something simple. Even after freeing up space I received this message with 70 gig available on old 2012 Catalina. If only this could have been updated versus a complete install. Didn't keep the previous downloaded copy of xcode.
Same here, App Store consistently fails to update Xcode 12.0.1 to 12.1 on the last stretch of the download process.
Same here (only I'm on Big Sur). I either keep getting the not enough space error message, or Xcode almost completely updates but then suddenly stops before finishing.
Also had this issue. On one machine the 3.xx gb update started, took ages, then shortly before finishing restarted, and ended in a loop.
On an other fresh Catalina machine, it‘s already taking 13h to download and still not finish. Estimating about 20h to download in total. No clue if this will even get installed in the end.

I also get an error message if I try to install the CommandLineTools via Terminal (not able to find it this way).

Hopefully this is getting resolved quickly.
Same issue here.
Even switching to an other internet provider does not help. Must be something with Apple's hosting / CDN...
Same problem here. Brand-new MacBook Pro 16, updated to latest MacOS 10.15.7. I can't get the download to complete. Extremely slow download speeds on 1G connection and terminates early with an error. Installing 12.0.1 via the developers website since 12.1 only seems available from the App Store which is not working. The 12.0.1 download from the developer site is quite fast.

I've signed out of the store, rebooted and tried again witch no luck. Perhaps Apple you can make the XIP available from the developer site to provide us with an alternative download?
Same issue here. It starts downloading at 10MBytes/sec and after a short while it drops to 3Kbytes/sec for hours.
Hi, same issue here. I tried downloading it several times, still no luck. It just starts so slow, after 2 hours it was 1 gb and after 1-2 more it just stopped with an error message it failed downloading xcode. Any help would be much appreciated.
Same issue. This was the last straw. I am switching to Windows for development from now on. I've had issues on this platform for far too long, for years in fact, AND I WILL TAKE NO MORE. Good riddance Apple, I'm glad this abusive relationship is over.
Same here

After a crash on documentation on xcode 12.0 ( https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/660490 ) they provided a fix with 12.0.1, and now for downloading it (who must normally be updated automatically like Brave, Opera or other modern applications) it is done @ 1 to 3 KB/s on Apple store.
Congratulations Apple !

You can download it here with normal speed (Xcode 12.1 GM seed ) : https://developer.apple.com/download/more

I have the same Problem .. after some time the download stops and then I have to start over again. But the download never finishes :(
Same. On a fresh Catalina install with the latest installer, Xcode download is fine for a while then it gets throttled to slower-than-dial-up speeds and eventually fails.
Did anyone with this 1970s download speed bug get it installed?
People. Use other methods for Christ's sake. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Has been bothering me for 2 days. Finally decided to use the link from RhenzZee's reply.

Download, extract, install. Works.
But then there is no automatic update :(
Same here, App Store consistently fails to update Xcode 12.0.1 to 12.1, i tried completely removing xcode from my mac, i have over 100 GB of free space, but still it downloads all xcode from 0 to 11.... gb and fails at installing it.
I have tried all methods explained in this question but no success.
Xcode 12.1 xip is not available too at the moment.
It works for me this morning :). I managed to successfully download and install Xcode. Good luck to everyone else!
Bugged Xcode 12.1 download from App Store