ReactJS web app renders blank page on iPhone


I used npm create-react-app to make a web app with firebase backend accessing it through redux-firebase. The web app functions normally on every user device except on iPhone users, both chrome and safari render a blank page.

I've tried stackoverflow, where one fix was changing navigator.language from en-US to en, did not work. Another fix was checking my styling, maybe the text was rendered incorrectly but no, the styling was fine, another was importing fetch as "cross-fetch" everytime fetch was called but that didn't work either. The only time I saw a difference was when I typed a h1 tag and it printed the text. I think materialize.css is not supported on iPhone or redux-firebase does not work on iPhone or am possibly leaving something out in index.js

Any help will be greatly appreciated cause I've been debugging it for about 4 months now! Telling my iPhone users to kindly access the web page from their laptops.

Please help!!!


I had a similar problem (that's why I found your question), but in my case it also didn't work on Safari on my Mac. The error message I was getting was: "Invalid regular expression: invalid group specifier name"

This solved my problem:

I thought it might also help in your case
Good luck!

Did you ever resolve this? Having a similar issue.

If render nothing, or any element, you can try to fix temporarly on Safari mobile, like so, opening: Configuration > Safari > Advanced > Experimental Features > than activate all.

Hi, i am here after 3 years. i am geting same issue. if anyone still here that solved this issue help me. Thank you

I have the same problem using very old iOS versions, like iOS 9 or 10.

ReactJS web app renders blank page on iPhone