*** requires a provisioning profile

Because my app requires the Network Multicasting entitlement, I am required to change to use manual signing of my (already published) app.

I've generated the profile and double checked that all of the entitlements are included in the profile. However, I'm getting this error when trying to run my app :

Code Block *** requires a provisioning profile with the Associated Domains, App Groups, Inter-App Audio, iCloud, and Push Notifications features. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor.

I've regenerated the profile multiple times, restarted Xcode, and unchecked and checked all the entitlement boxes to try to reset them to no avail.

Again, I am required to use manual signing, so please don't suggest that I check the "automatically manage signing" box. :)

Thanks in advance.

Though I had setup up the correct profile for the "Release" build, the "Debug" build needed it's own profile, which I had neglected to generate.

FYI, benkamen’s experience might not be help you much because the multicast networking entitlement no longer requires manual code signing. See Using the Multicast Networking Additional Capability for more background on that change.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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*** requires a provisioning profile