




CoreData Transformable Types and SecureCoding
I have a CoreData entity with a transformable property data that stores an NSDictionary. All of the classes inside the dictionary conform to NSSecureCoding I have been getting many instances of this warning : 'NSKeyedUnarchiveFromData' should not be used to for un-archiving and will be removed in a future release In trying to clean up the warning and future-proof my app, but I am running into a lot of trouble. My understanding is that using NSKeyedUnarchiveFromData as the transformer in my data properties attribute should work, since the top level class is a dictionary and all of the contents conform to NSSecureCoding. However, my data dictionary is now coming back as NSConcreteMutableData so I cannot access the data in it. I have also tried creating a custom value transformer with additional allowedTopLevelClasses, but that hasn't helped, and again, the topLevel type is an NSDictionary, which should be allowed. Thank you for any guidance.
Feb ’24
Simulators not appearing for certain targets
I'm having a problem where the iOS simulators are not showing up for a certain target, but are showing up for others within the same workspace. I've checked that the deployment target is compatible with my simulator versions. I've tried re-installing Xcode, restarting the computer, cleaning the build folder, deleting DerivedData, and various other superstitious activities with no luck. I've also tried reverting to old versions of the project to see where things went wrong, but haven't been able to get them to appear that way either, though I know they were working previously. The one thing that changed recently that may be relevant is that I had to switch to using manual provisioning profiles for the target, since it uses the multicast networking entitlement. However, removing that entitlement and reverting to automatic signing doesn't fix the issue either. Any advice is much appreciated.
Dec ’20
*** requires a provisioning profile
Because my app requires the Network Multicasting entitlement, I am required to change to use manual signing of my (already published) app. I've generated the profile and double checked that all of the entitlements are included in the profile. However, I'm getting this error when trying to run my app : *** requires a provisioning profile with the Associated Domains, App Groups, Inter-App Audio, iCloud, and Push Notifications features. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. I've regenerated the profile multiple times, restarted Xcode, and unchecked and checked all the entitlement boxes to try to reset them to no avail. Again, I am required to use manual signing, so please don't suggest that I check the "automatically manage signing" box. :) Thanks in advance.
Nov ’20