Other Storage Taking Too Much Space

Hi Dev Team,

I don’t see many answers on this topic but this seems to be a real concern for many users.

I went from my IPhone 8+ with 256gb and I had 39gb used, about 7gb was other storage no big deal. I decided to go with an iPhone 12 Pro Max 128gb. I now have 60gb used of which 26gb is other storage!!! I have done 3 clean installs from different iCloud backups and no change. I do not buy an iPhone to see half of my storage being used by other and system storage.
Also I do not explain why I now see some gb with photos and messages as it is normally all stored on iCloud (I have 2.2tb). Same thing I do not subscribe to iCloud or AppleOne to have data store on my iPhone while it should be all on iCloud.
I did not have this on my 8+. I called Apple but they were clueless...simply telling me that it is normal and that it may take a few days for things to get back to normal...it is not true.
is that a bug? My iPhone flash memory corrupted?Will this be taken into consideration?
Anyone else having this issue please post.

Thanks much!
Answered by MacGiver in 646662022
Side note if this can help. This is getting worse as soon as I disconnect from iCloud and reconnect. I wanted to try this to see if it help. But after doing it twice within 2 days, once I reconnect the other storage is going dramatically up. I was at 25gb of other storage. Juste disconnect ans reconnected I am at 40gb of other storage. Time ans leaving the iPhone plugged in does seem to help! Please help!
Accepted Answer
Side note if this can help. This is getting worse as soon as I disconnect from iCloud and reconnect. I wanted to try this to see if it help. But after doing it twice within 2 days, once I reconnect the other storage is going dramatically up. I was at 25gb of other storage. Juste disconnect ans reconnected I am at 40gb of other storage. Time ans leaving the iPhone plugged in does seem to help! Please help!
I am having this same issue. I was using 56GB (2GB of that was "other") of 512GB on iphone xs. So I figured 128GB of space was plenty. I upgraded to iphone 12 pro max and my other storage is sitting at 56GB. That makes my phone almost full. I had to delete a bunch of apps to get rid of the storage error.
The weird thing is that my messages on my old phone are 17GB, while new phone is only 9GB.

I reset to factory couple times and the other storage is still the same. Quite frustrating.

I can't seem to find any fixes for this online either.
I am having the same problem.
I can understand the “system” to take up to 8 or 9GB.
But the “other system data” takes up to 18.56GB in my iPhone. That’s way too much and it is unacceptable.
Not only that, but if you combine it with the “system” it takes about 26GB in my phone!!!
That’s absurd!

If I knew that, I would have chosen a phone with a better memory.
And I noticed that the “other system data” is slowly growing, yesterday it was 15... today 18.56! Just like that!

To me, this is very annoying, because I use my iPhone with my action cam and drone.

Do not get me wrong, I do know that when they tell you the phone has 64GB, it doesn’t actually have 64GB of free space. I understand that very well, but this is exaggerated.

It is the first time I buy an iPhone, I can tell that I am not happy at all about the memory issue.

If I’ll find a solution, I’ll share it with you.
I have same problem too!

i use iphone X with storage 256GB, wanted to move to iphone 12 pro 256GB, i didnt used all my 256GB but it keep showing failed to transfer as not enough space.

what do you mean not enough space where my iphone X have plenty of storage?

and whats wrong with HEALTH app? It took 15.58 PB? Tried to clear every data and it seems not doing anything.

Same Problem here (Iphone 12 Pro Max 512Gb : My Photos and Video usage grew in a instance.

The rest of my data compared with my just transfered data from my Iphone X Max is OK.

What did i do :

I Owned a Iphone XS Max 512Gb /* phone worked still perfect */
I Bought a Iphone 12 Pro Max 512Gb

Installed the new Iphone 12 by phone trasfer /*no restore from icloud backup*/
The proces went without a glitch .

Direct after the transfer i checked the total of Free space on my Iphone 12 to do a first
compare to see if it was near the Iphone XS Max. /* I am not near my Iphone XR Max at this moment */
My Iphone 12 Max Pro has Capacity=512Gb ; Available=65,73Gb
My Iphone XR Max has Capacity=512Gb ; Available=325Gb /*about these numbers, see comment above*/

Number of Fotos and Video's where the same on both phones Video's=3215 ; Foto's=39.775 /*arround these numbers*/

in Settings->General->Iphone-Storage /*sorry translated from the Dutch Language my phone is on*/
I saw that this large cunsumption of storage came from photo's and Video's and not from the other apps.

Is Iphone 12 making a FileTable-Copy (imaging) somewhere by mistake or forgets to remove this after file tranfer ??
I tried to lookup if i can find a way to see if the files count really have this ammount of Gb's used on the Iphone 12.
/*but luckely this is not possible with the phone :-)*/


I have the same problem as well. The Other memory takes so much space to the point where it says “Iphone Storage Full.” and i only have like 5 apps which each one of them take up to 500 something MB. Thats really bad. I hate this problem and no one seems to know or apple tries to find a solution to this problem. It is so frustrating to see how much space that OTHER takes up. I have tried reporting this problem multiple times to different sources but it doesn’t help. I hope this issue figures it out by it self but what is the point in buying a phone that i dont know where that OTHER stuff goes and what even is it.

i have 20gb of others space on my phone. I talked with Apple support several times. Escalated, sent data engineers etc.

I have the e-mails.

Apple said they do not have to solve software problems in your device because under their warranty conditions they do not guarantee uninterrupted service.

therefore you do not have any right to do anything about others space which composed of number of undisclosed things you don’t know or change.

basically like battery scandal, they now come up with storage solution to push people to change their phones.

So there is still no answer after over a year. What a disgrace Apple and it’s service are. Will be switching to Samsung right away. I suggest all Apple users do the same to avoid this scam. Apple operating system is a joke. Too many problems, they don’t have a clue how to fix their own issues which means their staff are untrained. They only care about taking your money and not about your experience. Just another huge corporation that doesn’t give a fk about it’s consumers, just their money. Change my mind Apple you useless cnts

Hey. I’ve come up with the solution. I had the issues with other data occupying more than 15gb on my iphone. So the trick is, you need to go to settings<safari<clear browsing history and data. And it clears that space. For me 14gb became 0kb. Like it clears all history, cache files, cookies and temporary data. This is the fix. 100% it’ll work. Have a great day!

I am having the same problem. I don't understand the “system data” took 60.85 GB In my iPhone. Total GB I HAVE 128


If anyone finds a solution, share it with me

Same problem here, and just got off chatting with the useless Apple chat support executives. Idiots wasted my time and just suggested to do factory reset followed by backup!! On my iphone, it happened because I was trying to send large files by maildrop. I was trying to send 500+ pics/videos, having size of about 3.5 GB using email/mail drop. I tried 3-4 times, and Every time the process failed it kept keeping that much space blocked!! So after 3 attempts I got left with 0 space and about 13 GB of data showing in “Other System Data”! And that, after I deleted so many apps, files, to make way for more space!! Basically, Apple keeps storing the deleted file in cache, and doesn’t even allow us to delete those!! Btw, I already tried the usual suggestions, and they all fail- clearing safari cache, disconnecting mail accounts, etc etc. Nothing works, and I don’t want to go for Facroey reset. What a ****** situation!

I FOUND IT! Look here!!

I have struggled with this other memory on my wife’s iPhone for four months. We always thought it was pictures, iCloud storage, texts, etc… Today I sat down for several hours looking through and isolating apps after restore. YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE IT- A SleepWatch tracking app was taking up 35 GB of memory! Idk why it really doesn't show up in ' iPhone storage ' when you open the app but there it is!

I have attached a photo for reference or proof. If you are having this problem it has to be an application on your phone tracking too much detail. With a little process of elimination, you can find.

Just in case anyone else comes across this topic... My issue was that Other System Data was forever growing and taking up every little bit of space I had. Turns out for me it was the OneDrive app ....however under iPhone Storage apparently OneDrive was only using a few MB's?? Even when I went into the app it only showed a few MB's. I only have 9GB stored in OneDrive so not sure why it was taking up over 36GB on my device?? I had to use a third party app to check called iPhone Cleaner, did a quick scan and deleted the OneDrive app from my device ...I got my free space back!! =)

Also I'm on iOS15 using on 64GB iPhone SE (2nd Gen)

I was in the same situation but I found out that restarting your phone helps reduce the amount of storage taken up by the system data. To restart your phone you need to go to settings and when you get to setting scroll and press general. Then scroll again and you will see an option that says ‘shut down’ in blue. Click that and your phone will restart. This doesn’t get rid of any of the data on your phone just the stuff that isn’t needed. Your phone will go black (how it looks when it is turned off) then hold on the power button until you see the apple logo on your screen. Now wait for your phone to fully turn on and check if it helped

I am having the same problem. Just got and iPhone 13 and had an 8plus. The 8 plus was using 29.6gb and the new 13 is using 65??? And my 8 had Apple Music files downloaded, this new phone still has them all in the cloud. What is using double the space?

So I also had this problem where my 64 gb Iphone XS had 32 gb of system data and I tried deleting apps and checking documents of apps and using cleaners for iphone and clearing cache from apps but the thing that worked for me is restarting my iphone. After that firstly the sistem data droped like maybe 5 gb but after 10 minutes it’s at 11 gb. I hope this helps

I had a similar problem. I phone 13 Pro with 256 GB space. One fine day in the I Tunes app, showing as 80 GB remaining and rest of spaces consumed as OTHER category. However, In the mobile, I navigated through GENERAL > IPHONE STORAGE. The storage details are different to that in the phone. The spaces classified accurately.

For me podcast app was culprit’s. It was downloading all the episode of subscribed channel and filling up memory. I disabled auto download and deleted all downloaded episode.

I have same problem , i own iphone 13 pro max 1T , and ghe system data is: 140 GB , is that logical ? I don’t know

Experiencing the same issue for over a year. On my 128GB iPhone XR, then on my 128GB iPhone 11, this "System files" category has steadily grown from 14GB to 35GB and now sits at 56GB, such that my total storage usage is 127.1GB out of 128GB. ■ When I upgraded my iPhone from XR to 11, I did it relatively cleanly and the System files began at under 6GB, but quickly and steadily grew back up. ■ Doing the "shutdown" suggested by Dumbbimbo used to work temporarily (dropping by as much as 6GB) but repeatedly doing it has less effect (now barely moves the needle). ■ I've now been forced to upgrade my iCloud+ account to the 2TB storage tier, 3x my monthly cost. ■ I can only believe there's some kind of memory leak happening with an app or system process, but have no way to find it. ■ I wonder, could it be associated with photo content volume (and edited files)? I'll start, so we can see if there's any correlation at all: 35.5GB in photos, 1.9GB in iMovie, and 56.0GB in System files.

I was struggling with having over 500gb used of 1TB with over 300gb dedicated to "Other"

Initially, I had 200gb worth of videos that I offloaded, then removed from the deleted folder. Seems that the needle didn't move much and for nearly a day, it stated I had 85gb worth of videos left.

After seeing the alarm comment with 35gb of data, it hit me.

I was using FilmIC Pro to record some of my videos because it has a "pause" feature which is really nice. I do have it set to save to my photos album, but FilmIc uses a system folder (maybe because it is hidden) to record the video before it transfers over to Photos. FilmIC can also be setup to not sent anything to the photos album. It has its own camera roll. So, it is a matter of choice. I choose for it to go to the photos folder so that I can see it immediately.

So why didn't FilmIc clear the cache I wondered. I rebooted the phone earlier and it didn't work. So then, I opened up the photos app, looked to ensure nothing was in deleted folder, then swiped up to close the program. Then I saw the space Photos used drop from 85gb to 6.8gb.

Okay, good!

So then I went to FilmIC Pro and looked to see if there were any videos that the app was hanging on to. Yep, there was ONE 9-second clip. Once I deleted that 9 second clip and made sure nothing was in FimIC Pro's camera roll, I exited the program and checked and wow, the storage got cleaned up!

No more issues!

It just goes to show that even with 1TB of storage on the phone, that it can be possible for an app to go rogue and start eating up the space if not managed. Apple provides us the tools but when an App utilizes a system folder and not the "App" data area, then it doesn't report correctly. I will continue to use FilmIC Pro. Just have to watch out.

Oh, and another thing that really ate up my space (which actually did reflect in the app) was podcasts. I can't find an overall setting to NOT download podcast content. I see it for each individual podcast so now I am concerned about my other devices!

Update after posting this - I found in the settings where I can prevent downloads of ALL podcasts that I follow. This will help a lot!

Hi, after one month of claims today I get a real answer . with all this info I’ve I’ll open a formal claim. the secret is the space used that is not showed in your devices . today I get the answer that this is a normal behaviour and no plains to solve . I have lost 2 devices because of this . One was with recent backup but the other totally lost. Start again from 0.

Hi. The same always happens to me too. On my iPad, I have 32GB and approximately 78% of it is used for the 'Other' part. I understand you, but I don't think there is a way to fix this. I have tried many different ways, but it doesn't work. I sometimes put my iPad to power off a few mins and after open it again. Sometimes it removes some of the 'Other' place, sometimes not, but I still recommend you to do the same way if U want.

The master key point that how you can delete system data on your iPhone or iPad.

Clear safari browsing data Clear 3rd party app caches Permanent delete photos. Offload apps Siri and search  Transfer and reset iPhone   For more detailed info read. See the video on Thegsmsolution Youtube.

I have been having the same issue on my 128gb iPhone 12, with it showing “other” at 48-55gb of usage. I’ve been at my wits end. So I started deleting apps one at a time. I was shocked to find that when I deleted the Lightroom app that my “other” went from 49.98 to ZERO!!!

so if anyone is an iPhone Lightroom user. Might be worth a shot to delete and reinstall and see if it helps solve your issue!

Other Storage Taking Too Much Space