Xcode asks to install Rosetta

Hi all,

just got my new M1 Macbook Air.
  • installed Xcode

  • updated Big Sur

When I start Xcode i get a request with the message:

"To run Intel-based applications, you will need to install Rosetta. Would you like to install it now?"

The options are : Help, Not Now, Install

When I click on any of these buttons nothing happens (i get a sound that tells me i click, but nothing else).

Can't close it, can't get around it ...

Any hints on this issue?

Thank's for your help,

Found my own solution:

Starting Xcode from terminal, the buttons are working, tapped install and all problems went away.

My current project now has a build time of 77 seconds compared to 126 seconds on my MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017) 2,9 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7

Thanks for the feedback.

Don't forget to close the thread on the correct answer.
I also have the same problem but starting Xcode from terminal doesn’t help...
Same problem, starting from terminal does not help. Force closing Xcode and restarting results in the same thing.
How did you start Xcode from terminal? xed . ?
I'm still dead in the water w/ this issue. Target is the cheaper M1 Air. I install from App Store and get the above non-responsive "clicking" issue on the "To run Intel-based applications, you will need to install Rosetta. Would you like to install it now?" modal no matter where I click. I downloaded the installer from this site and get the same issue on install. Command line install doesn't make a difference. Any ideas?
I have the same problem and starting Xcode from the terminal doesn't help
I had the same problem on my new MacBook Air. Solved it by clicking on Get Info on Xcode.app and selected Open using Rosetta.
I have the same problem. I have M1 Mac Mini on Big Sur (11.0.1). Xcode 12.2 from App Store.

I delete the Xcode and reinstalled from App Store, I delete Xcode related preferences still, I cannot click "Install" nor "Cancel", nor I cannot even quit Xcode, then have to force quit.

Should I reinstall whole Big Sur once again? If someone has already figure it out, please let us know...

You can tap the Enter key on your keyboard.
@ijonjic 's solution worked for me
Code Block
I had the same problem on my new MacBook Air. Solved it by clicking on Get Info on Xcode.app and selected Open using Rosetta.

I see some other solutions but I also found that when I installed Outlook, Rosetta was installed - that fixed the Xcode problem

@ijonjic 's solution worked for me as well. Thanks!
1 - With Xcode closed (Important) Go to finder -> Applications
2 - Right Click on Xcode and select "Get Info"
3 - On the info panel check "Open using Rosetta"
4 - Double Click in the bottom large preview of the info panel.
5 - Actions to install Rosetta will be responsive.
OH MY GOD THIS WAS SO SIMPLE!!! Just tap the return key. Oops. Thanks wen01. Still seems like something Apple should fix.
Yep the return key works. Weird bug and definitely should be fixed so that you can click either button (Cancel or Install).

Other question I have is why does Xcode want to install Rosetta 2??

  1. Close XCode (Force Quit if required)

  2. Launch Xcode (Do not click or type absoltuely anything after launching)

  3. On your keyboard - hit return

That did the trick for me. I had originally clicked all over the place, and I wasn't able to install Rosetta via the pop-up.

The real question I'd like to get an answer for is "Why does Xcode, a universal app, require Rosetta in the first place?" One would think that Apple put in some effort to make sure their key environment for developers would work on their new ground breaking platform. Did they not expect developers to use any of the new macs?
Got my new Mac mini today and had the same Problem. Somewhere in the www I've read, that you can install rosetta from the command line entering:

"softwareupdate --install-rosetta"

Doing so before starting Xcode solved the problem for me.

I am still interested in the question: WHY does Xcode need Rosetta?

But more importantly: I don't want to install Rosetta!
How can I avoid installing Rosetta and run Xcode anyway?
Return worked.

Probably needs rosetta to compile/test code destined for other platforms. Thats why I got my M1 Mac Mini.

Time to get that idiots guide to mac for windows users who can write in visual bacic and C but not x code. So complete newbie to Mac but quick learner.
I guess some component can be used if developer wanna do sth compatible with x86 chips

For those that do not want to install Rosetta, this prompt can easily be disabled. Just use Get Info on Xcode.app, check "Open using Rosetta", and then uncheck it again.

Please ignore my previous comment with a "solution". It apparently didn't work they way it seemed to initially.

It seems that Xcode 14.1 doesn't ask to install Rosetta anymore.

Xcode asks to install Rosetta