Why does opening a .pkg file on M1 Mac result in prompt to install Rosetta 2?

Why does opening a .pkg file on an M1 Mac cause the prompt to install Rosetta 2 appear? I would've thought there would be a Universal version of the installer application included with Big Sur. I couldn't find any updated information on how we're to distribute software outside of the App Store on Macs with Apple Silicon. I've already got a Universal version of my application and all of its necessary resources in a .pkg file but my users are confused by the prompt to install Rosetta 2 when trying to install my software.

Accepted Reply



We were able to solve this problem by specifying arm64 in hostArchtectures attribute.




We were able to solve this problem by specifying arm64 in hostArchtectures attribute.
Awesome! I knew it had to be simple because it just didn't make any sense that the installer would not be a universal binary.



Just to help others get started, this is what the top of my Installer.pkg/Distribution file now looks like:

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<installer-script minSpecVersion="1.0">
<options customize="always" hostArchitectures="x86_64,arm64"/>