Xcode freezes after upgrade to 12.3

I have upgrade Xcode to last release on 15 december 2020. Now it freezes every minutes for 5 minutes it's unusable. Are there some solutions?
Answered by Claude31 in 652540022
Does it freeze on any specific action ?
Do you notice some unusual Xcode activity level in Monitor ?

Did you reboot ?

Otherwise, a good practice is to keep previous version 12.2 and get back to it.
And file a bug report.
I am experiencing this same issue as well. Any fixes yet?
Accepted Answer
Does it freeze on any specific action ?
Do you notice some unusual Xcode activity level in Monitor ?

Did you reboot ?

Otherwise, a good practice is to keep previous version 12.2 and get back to it.
And file a bug report.
I have made mistake to assign "solved". Is not solved.
For everyone that have this issue downgrade to 12.2. Here links of older version https://developer.apple.com/download/more/
I resolved the issue removing all devices from Window->Devices and Simulators->Devices and re-adding them.
I took the advice of oldnotwise above and deleted all devices/simulators. That seems to be working so far. Thanks for the tip!
I'm having the same issue. It seems that it has something to do with "internet". If I disconnect my wifi, Xcode start responding fine again.

If I'm right, Xcode must be trying to connect to some service that is not responding and not giving timeout, neither.
Got things working by unchecking "Connect via Network" for all devices under Window > Devices & Simulators. Didn't need to remove all devices.
I have a 2016 MacBook air 16gig Ram, plenty of room on the SSD, and yet after the update yesterday 15th Dec, Xcode is running terrible.
It has never been a rocket on my simple Macbook Air, but it's been very useable.
However it is extremely slow now, to a point where it's very frustrating and dissapointing.

For me, Xcode (Version 12.3 (12C33)) was beach-balling every 5 minutes as well. I just turned off 'Connect Via Network' for my one physical device - an iPhone X (14.3 18C66) and that seemed to return Xcode to 'normal'! Now if I could just get rid of those @#$%^ "watchdogd checkin" crashes...
Xcode is unusable after the latest update. Constant freezing of the UI. I’ve now disabled ‘Connect via network’ for all my test devices and that seems to resolve it for now.
I have decided to stay with 12.2 and wait for 12.4 to eventually update.
But skip 12.3 (I've filed 2 bug reports so far).
For me Xcode is nearly unusable after updating to 12.3, freezes for 5 mins sometimes, and has crashed 5 times since starting working an hour ago.

Edit: Unpairing my device connected via network and using only lightning cable seems to have resolved the issue for me.
I have the same issue. Removing/adding devices does not solve the issue for me.
Same problem with Xcode 12.3 for me! It freezes every 2 minutes and I have to restart Xcode.
Very bad update!
Same issue but Darr's suggestion worked - removed Connect via Network checkmark for any physical devices, quit Xcode, rebooted for good measure and all is well.

Still needs bug fix to bring back the functionality.
Even I face the same problem ? Even after deleting the devices in devices and simulator.. the issue exists. I use Mac mini with macOS Big Sur.. it freezes the system and makes it unusable. Only after Force quit and restart, able to use other application. Any solutions ?
Darr's solution worked for me too. Killing the network connection and going to the cable fixed it for me. I think the reason it freezes every five min or so and spins the beachball for several minutes then repeats over and over is because it might be having an intermittent network issue with the device.

Xcode 12.3 was working good and then my barely died while I was loading a build onto my networked iPhone. Before I found Darr's suggestion I tried everything: :clear derived data, create a new project, reboot, re-install Xcode... non of that made any difference.
Same problem with Xcode 12.3 for me!
Same issue
Same problem.
Have an AppleTV connected so I can't uncheck the "connect via network" option.
I struggled with the same problem.
My problem was caused by sharing WiFi of iMac.
The most obvious solution seems to be to disable the WiFi of the mac running XCode and use the wired network.

XCode : 12.3
macOS: 11.0.1
iMac : 2019
same issue here.
I stopped the wifi, opened Xcode, unpaired the physical device (with an Xcode crash :-), reattached it DEFLAGGING the "connect via network" and it seems better now, but still quite unstable
Thank you, I usually don't find answers to my issues here but after spending a couple of days trying everything I finally arrived here and saw Dan and several others suggesting turning of the "Connect via network" setting in the Devices and Simulators menu dialog and then restarting Xcode. BINGO the issue seems resolved!!!
Same here. Running on a M1 powered Mac.

Xcode will freeze when I change tabs or doing something that is supposed to be lightweight.

The beach ball appears, and then beach ball freezes as well.

Xcode Version 12.3 (12C33)
Xcode freezes after upgrade to 12.3