Hacked?? Files on Mac Prebook Volume

Can someone please look at their preboot volume and tell me if it's the same as mine? Please Please Please respond to this message. I've been through a lot with hacks and really need an answer to this. It's really weird the files are the same size.

OMG. I have been researching for a year, also. I don't know how I got to your question (Thinking it must be by my deceased daughter (age 19) who died 11 years ago in a single car accident coming home from college for Thanksgiving.

I was HACKED Dec 8, 2021. My Tech at the time said I was not hacked. Even though I sent him screen shots of my LastPass app that was corrupted. I would be forwarded to the hackers false sites. Another company I hired for cyber security said I was not hacked. My iMac, Laptop iPhone were all hacked but I cannot prove it. Thus, my psychiatrist has given me the diagnosis of having a psychotic episode and termed me delusional. Goin to the Psycho Hospital nest week.

My Preboot looks exactly like yours. I knew it had something to do with the DNS. But couldn't prove it. My machines have been wiped 5 times each. I have volumes of notes with names, phone numbers, IP addresses, and email addresses.

No one would look at them.

Has anyone else contacted you?

I wish someone out there could confirm that I am not crazy, so that I can get my dignity back.

Use redEFI to boot into a new firmware version and you’ll be able to see what’s going on.

What does it mean? “RedEFI” I can’t find anything on the web that mentions this. Is it a program?

The files that are listed here are legitimate system files, I have them on my (not hacked) Mac.

How about I have 31 libraries on my MacBook Pro. I’ve been at Menninger Clinic for 3 weeks and in that time I see downloads and activitiy in that 3 weeks.

my Heart goes out to the person who got dismissed by the Apple team and the 74 year old man that is having a hard time feeling secure. I have been struggling with my private information and Apples lack of information/ help concerning this subject. There tech support are usually friendly and helpful, the minute you tell them you are hacked the tone and vibe switches like a light switch and I mean quick. My gf worked at ATT for ten years and she told me they are trained to tell customers I qoute , Apple products CAN't Be hacked". They never want to see the logs, which is the actual proof of a breach in their own analytics programs. My guess is that apple is not a open source company they are supposed to be closed source. So that means the developers code and your information are supposed to (legally) be private. So what is happening here is Apple sweeping this under the rug. Only developers and bug bounty guys get to have those conversations with Apple because they are Highly Trained it guys. What about the common person you may ask. Well because the common person doesn't know a whole lot about things like APFS, or LDAP file server's and I dunno probably wouldn't know a whole lot about smb which is what I have noticed is one of the biggest holes in Apples security system. I was a pc user my whole life untill 7 years ago when the 27 inch mac 5k or 8k imac pro's came out I spent over 50 thousand dollars for my business in Apple products and I feel like I got ripped off because that was a terrible year for apple. That was when the High Seriah Breach happened and it was also a bad year for me (shady neighboor moved close by and was hacking me and my girlfriend non stop) I would sit and read the logs while they were hacking me but everytime I called tech support or went down to att I got no help. I finally gave up on that when My gf at attt got fired because she wasnt participating in the massive amount of Fraud that was going on. My step dad is a high profile person a celeb but doesnt know jack about computers just expects them to work. Unfortunately with the way apples system works hes also a target. As a result I have been gangstalked my identity stolen any business I would try to start would get messed with. To top it off I spent most of my time trying to figure out why the hell everyone and there mama or how the hell everyone was hacking me. So to say the least i made no return on my products from Apple. On a side note I will say that they are very good computers for creativity and I do like the simplicity and the way Steve Jobs designed his os and programs like Garageband and logic were awesome for a musician like me. I think the day Steve Jobs died the company went downhill I spent way too much money the products were all super expensive and with tech support not even aknowledging in the least about some of these hacks that were going on really set me back and wasted alot of my time in frustration and anger. Lets talk solution. I am glad to see some people out there speaking up and not just blindly going thru life. I heard from a street urchin that people with apples have money and there usually old and dont know anything about computers so they are the easiest to hack and steal there info to do fraud. That makes me want to throw up. Thats so rotten. My moms phone everytime I look at it im just disgusted at the amount of bs I see on her phone but she doesnt like talking about it. Apple is her target audience. Yet there is no protection for these people. The Developers and corporate should be dealing with these issues that has always been the apple way. Steve Job had a vision of simplicity so our minds could focus on creativity and changing the world but now yougot a bunch of people who are getting actual mentally ill classifications because this stuff is driving them nuts and they have no idea who to talk to or what to do. I gave up calling support. But I am not giving up on Apple I like there company I like Steve Jobs vision what I dont like is the dishonesty (ommiting the truth is lieing) and technically and legally this is a breach of contract on Apples part so there should either be a Giant class action lawsuit like what keeps happening to them but one that addresses this specifically or I would even be willing to meet with Apple and sit down and come up with a solid solution. I thought the face lock stuff would work but nope. I notice a lof of criminals use google products on apple to hack it perfect solution use a open source software platform to get into a closed source os. So I recommend if you dont want to get hacked. this list

  1. Dont use any Google products for Apple
  2. never leave your wifi or bluetooth on if your not using it. (those radio signals can be hacked) thats what I found out they were doing to my phones.
  3. Use apps that scan your wifi network and look for wierd ssid's that are using the same channel or on the same frequency.
  4. Use Face id to unlock
  5. and all the other regular stuff that apple tells you (change your password often, update your devices, and for the love of GOD do not get lost in this rabbit hole I barely made it out. At the end of the day theinternet is useful. but its still an imaginary world. whats scary is our entire bank system is going to computers. Hence why im turning lemons to lemonaid and I think I have a solution to make it to were Apples are impossible to hack like the good ole days. My company Global Media Firm has shifted itsw scope a little to get into Internet Security it is now my new passion. Thinking of my parents getting all there information stolen just makes me mad. So the good news is there is a lot of money in that. I haven't made any of it yet but getting there. My app I was supposed to release got set back because someone was stealing money right out of my paypal. Also I have three albums on I tunes that some random record label I have never heard of in my life actually hacked me and stole all the money I was making after blood sweat tears and sacrifices I put into music. I am going to stay strong and positive and people keep speaking out. I am going to make a little blog on my website gm.globalmediafirm.com for people that have tech support issues. Lets in Mr. Jobs Honor restore Apple to its once unhackable status! They can't keep doing this forever. Good luck guys. COntact me if you need any help or want to maybe file a lawsuiit. I would prefer to work with the Apple team to improve Apple because I really like there products aside from the security stuff., the 3nd

Hi. I’m new here. I have had this same issue for almost 3 years. Nobody has been able to help me. I’ve even purchased new devices. Apple cannot remove it. Nobody can. They wipe it, it looks clean, I get home and it’s completely hacked. I know it’s on the pre boot volumes I don’t know how to remove it. Someone please help me.

Hacked?? Files on Mac Prebook Volume