How to delete certificates?

How to delete certificates from "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles?"

I have a new Mac and need to create new certificate for it but there is no option of deleting or editing of the existing certificates. When trying to add a new one the option is greyed out with the following commend:

Developer ID Application
This certificate is used to code sign your app for distribution outside of the Mac App Store.

Maximum number of certificates generated.

I should add: There is no REVOKE option for "Developer ID Application" certificate type as there is for other certificates types like for example when you edit the "iOS Distribution Certificate".

I just called Apple and learned that because of Apple system limitations you cannot delete "Developer ID Application" certificates.
Apparently, the only option is to export the "Developer ID Application" from the old mac and import it to the new one using the Keychain Access. Of course, there are all kinds of new problems and obstacles. Does anybody know how to transfer correctly the "Developer ID Application" certificate from one Mac to another?

you cannot delete "Developer ID Application" certificates

Indeed. Developer ID certificates are precious.

Does anybody know how to transfer correctly the "Developer ID
Application" certificate from one Mac to another?

I’ve not tried it with Developer ID digital identities — because they are precious I always manually manage them — but I’ve used the process described in Xcode Help > Maintain signing assets > Export signing certificates and provisioning profiles for other signing assets and it works a treat.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
Thank you so much! This worked like a charm.

They're only precious if you know what you're doing. At one point, possible all points on a line, I didn't and don't.

I have finally figured out how to install the certificate (call it A) that was in my account at But before I found the cheap route, I created a certificate (call it B) that I fear I won't be able to use in 3 years when A expires. I will have forgotten everything and go through this whole mess again. So, I never intend to use B and would prefer to not be tempted to even try it.

These Apple certificates are ridiculous. They REALLY need a system to better manage these. I cringe every time I need to change computers because I know all my certificates will be messed up.

I added a second Developer ID Installer and I can't revoke the second one, not a big deal but yea it's not perfect. Now I have 2 of them.

How to delete certificates?