My app reports the following via DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS:
Total pre-main time: 656.98 milliseconds (100.0%)
dylib loading time: 565.48 milliseconds (86.0%)
rebase/binding time: 31.67 milliseconds (4.8%)
ObjC setup time: 30.15 milliseconds (4.5%)
initializer time: 29.55 milliseconds (4.4%)
slowest intializers :
libSystem.B.dylib : 5.89 milliseconds (0.8%)
MyApp : 28.42 milliseconds (4.3%)
This is running on an iPod 6 gen with iOS 10.1, which is the device I currently use for testing. The linked libraries are:
* CoreTelephony.framework
* OpenGLES.framework
* GLKit.framework
* libsqlite3.dylib
* Social.framework
* AdSupport.framework
* CoreMotion.framework
* CoreImage.framework
* Accelerate.framework
* libz.dylib
* Accounts.framework
* MediaPlayer.framework
* Foundation.framework
* UIKit.framework
* CoreGraphics.framework
* MessageUI.framework
* CoreData.framework
* AVFoundation.framework
* libxml2.dylib
* Security.framework
* CoreLocation.framework
* MobileCoreServices.framework
* SystemConfiguration.framework
* AudioToolbox.framework
* CFNetwork.framework
* QuartzCore.framework
* CoreMedia.framework
* AssetsLibrary.framework
* CoreVideo.framework
* ImageIO.framework
* StoreKit.framework
* MapKit.framework
* CoreText.framework
* HockeySDK.framework
* FacebookSDK.framework
* MagicKit.framework
* libturbojpeg.a
Most of these are system frameworks. What could I do to reduce the time dylib loading takes?