usdz audio not working

I use usdzaudioimport to embed a simple audio file in my usdz. But in QuickLook (iOS or macOS) the audio is never played.

What I've tried :
Code Block
usdzaudioimport ./myfile.usdz ./myfile.usda -a /test audio.mp3 -auralMode notSpatial -playbackMode loopFromStart
usdzip myfile.usdz myfile.usda ./0/*

where ./0 is the asset folder of myfile.usda

I tried with usdc
Code Block
usdzaudioimport ./myfile.usdz ./myfile.usdc -a /test audio.mp3 -auralMode notSpatial -playbackMode loopFromStart
usdzip myfile.usdz myfile.usdc ./0/*

I tried with usdz without converting to usd(a/c)
Code Block
usdzaudioimport ./myfile.usdz -a /test audio.mp3 -auralMode notSpatial -playbackMode loopFromStart

I tried m4a and mp3.

I tried the sample cube from Reality Composer by adding my audio.mp3 as behavior at start of scene and exporting in usdz for Quicklook.

But none of this solutions worked. I'm not able to play any audio with AR Quick Look usdz file at the start of the scene.


Hi there,

Were you ever able to figure out how to add audio playback to a usdz?