Invalid Binary state after submitting to Review.

I am trying to submit my new application to code review in Appstore.
  • I validate binary in XCode. OK.

  • I uploaded it from XCode to Appstore. OK. Completed processing.

  • I run it through TestFlight and tested on several devices. OK.

I submitted it to review.
  1. I got message. Waiting to Review.

  2. One minute later, I got Invalid bimary.

I tried one more time, and I created new build and and uploaded it. The same result.

I got mail from Apple - that application is in Invalid binary state. No explanation, no clarification...

OK, may be y Xcode installation is broken? I asked my team mate to build new release and upload it to Appstore. The same result, one minute after submitting to Appstore, I got message - Invalid binary. No clarification, no explanation.

I asked tech support. I got response - you should get message with explanation, make fixes and resubmit. I resend them message from Apple server. And didn't get any response from tech support at all.

I created another request. And put there reference to my previous request. And I got another common words as answer - something is wrong with your application...

I suspect, tech support doesn't read my mail at all...

So my question is: how can I get info, what actually is wrong with my application? Why Apple server considers it as Invalid, while all tests, I can make, returns me "Passed" state

Thanks in advance.


We have the exact same issue with an app update. We tried both Xcode 12.5.1 and Xcode 13.0 RC. It processes fine, and after submitting for App Store review, it goes into "Invalid Binary" state after exactly one minute each time. No details why or what's wrong with the binary.

In my case solution was found after month or so discussing with several guys from the tech support. Problem was in the project itself.

I set on Maps support in the Signing & Capabilities, but no Routing mode was set, and no Routing area was provided in the AppStore info. page. As soon I removed this entry from the XCode project (as I do not provide route info in release version), error was gone.

So my advice is just check for something non-obvious and exclude any features from the project, which are not used.

Exact same issue, usecase: react native app Please let us know if nay update.

When adding Apple Pay you must add the following to your info.plist on the Apple Side regardless if you plan on implementing scanning of credit cards I believe.

<key>NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription</key> <string>Save Photos To Camera Roll</string> <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string>This app can use the camera to scan payment cards if you choose to use this feature.</string> <key>CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone</key>

If this is not added, an invalid binary issue will be reported when attempting to upload a build to testflight.

My case: ITMS-91056: Invalid privacy manifest - The PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file from the following path is invalid.

need to check the file in XCode=> open As => Property List

It happens due to incorrect permissions/missing permissions from Info.plist, we removed few permissions like Location and Music thinking it was not necessary, and start getting this Invalid Binary error, so I would say to look at your Info.plist file again, track the previous version from git and see if you changed something there

I found a general solution: Upload using Transporter app from Apple:

Have to build using the Custom option, select "App Store Connect" then Export (this takes some time). You then get a PKG file to upload.

It gives way more detailed messages around what is failing with the build on upload. My example:

Can also open the menu to see more details processing info.

I had same issue. Just forgot to add photo permissions in info.plist after installing a photo picker package.

Hope yours is as simple as this.

Invalid Binary state after submitting to Review.