Question regarding Provisioning Profiles within the Apple Developer Portal - they are becoming invalid by themselves

I have setup a Pipeline using CircleCI + fastlane to build and push iPhone code to the Apple Developer Portal. I'm using the App connect API to work with the certificates and profiles.

Things are working as expected which is great. However, periodically the match AdHoc and match Appstore provisioning profiles become invalid. To the best of my knowledge, no one is touching/modifying the profiles. They are both using the same certificate.

To revalidate them, I simply go view the profiles, edit them, resave them (the correct certificates are still selected) and they go back to valid.

While this is. a quick fix, I prefer not having to spend time monitoring the profiles in case one of several of them become invalid, thereby causing the iPhones builds to fail.

Has this ever happened to anyone before? I'm part of the DevOps team (so I don't actively touch the code itself), but I am wondering if there something an apple developer might be doing in Xcode which could trigger the profiles in the Apple Developer Portal to become invalid?

Thank you for your time.


We are not Using CircleCi, but I do compile locally with Nativescript (ns) and Xcode on a Mac. Recently all our provisioning profiles also became invalid. We had to do the same, edit and resave to make them valid again. No idea what is going on.