Safari Web Inspector tabs are missing

I just found that many tabs in my Safari Web Inspector are no longer there.

For example, previously, I have the following tabs in Web Inspector:
  • Inspector:

  • Elements;

  • Network;

  • Sources;

  • Timelines;

  • Storage;

  • Graphics;

  • Layers;

  • Audit;

  • Console;

But now, I only have:
  • Console;

  • Sources;

  • Audit;

Does anyone know the root cause, and how I can restore the missing tabs? Thanks much.

My OS: macOS Catalina, 10.15.7
Xcode: 12.4
Safari: 14.1.1
Answered by louisyl in 676060022

I ended up upgrading my OS to Big Sur 11.3.1 from Catalina. Then the Safari web inspector tabs come back.

Working combination:

  • OS: Big Sur 11.3.1
  • Safari: 14.1.1 (15611.
  • Xcode: 12.4 (12D4e)

Hello! I'm using

  • OS: macOS 11.4 (20F71)
  • Safari: 14.1.1 (16611.
  • Xcode: 12.5 (12E262)

And the problem still exists. Apple is it a breaking changes? Safari Technology Preview works as well, but it's not stable sometimes.

Hi there 👋

Had same issue on Safari Version 14.1.1 (16611.

But worked after Safari Technology Preview installed. My config:

  • MacOS 11.4 (20F71)
  • Xcode Version 12.5.1 (12E507)
  • Safari Technology Preview Release 126 (Safari 14.2, WebKit 16612.

So view via Safari TP I see all tabs

This is broken again, seems like this happens often with updates. It would be nice if apple could put a test for this in their regression testing??? I was able to verify it is due to the iOS update vs the other updates.

STP fixes it for the safari app and debugging websites, but doesn't seem to solve the issue debugging webview in 3rd party app. The webview will show in safari's develop menu, but doesn't connect propertly (missing tabs) or crashes both devtools and the mobile app all together. Can thumbs up or comment to verify 3rd part app connection with STP?

As others have said this can severely affect the workflow of 3rd party mobile developers. Would be nice to see a fix soone!

iOS: 14.6 Safari: 14.1.1 Mac: 11.4 xCode: 12.5.1

Same problem

  • Mac OS: 11.4 (20F71)
  • Mac Safari: 14.1.1 (16611.
  • iOS: 14.6
  • Xcode: 12.5.1 (12E507)

Same issue here, the web inspector is not working for me:

  • macOS 11.4
  • Safari Version 14.1.1 (16611.
  • iOS 14.6
  • Xcode Version 12.5.1 (12E507)

Sam issue. Web inspector opens for a second then crashed.

mcOS 11.4 Safari Technology Preview 127 15.0 iOS 14.6 Xcode 12.5.1

Same here. Debugging iOS Safari in Big Sur 11.4 Safari is not working. The only visible tabs are "Console", "Sources" and "Audit" and none of them works.

LE: In Safari Technology Preview Dev Tools is working properly.

The same issue was observed on Safari 14.1.1 on our Mac Mini (Late 2012) running Catalina 10.15.7.

Upgrade to latest beta version (in our case, Safari 14.1.2 (15611. fixed the issue.

Same problem, Big Sur 11.4, Xcode 12.5.1, Safari 14.1.1, iOS 14.6. I've successfully debugged on my iPad using Safari on my iMac (should be all of the same version numbers involved), but right now, using my MacBook Pro and my iPhone, I've got nothing but the three blank tabs.

Same problem here, Big Sur 11.4, Safari 14.1.1, iPadOS 14.6

Given that this is the one thing that can only be done on a Mac, it's amazing how frequently it's either a massive nightmare to get working - or just plain doesn't work at all. In 6 years of doing this I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times it worked smoothly.

Big Sur? Bug Sur more like... eh?!

Safari Version 14.1.2 fixes the issue.

Just installed the newest version of Safari Technology Preview (Release 131 at the time of posting) and it fixed the issue - an OS update was not required. Accepted answer should be changed. Looks like the issue was in Safari 14.1.1

Safari Web Inspector tabs are missing