Safari Web Inspector tabs are missing

I just found that many tabs in my Safari Web Inspector are no longer there.

For example, previously, I have the following tabs in Web Inspector:
  • Inspector:

  • Elements;

  • Network;

  • Sources;

  • Timelines;

  • Storage;

  • Graphics;

  • Layers;

  • Audit;

  • Console;

But now, I only have:
  • Console;

  • Sources;

  • Audit;

Does anyone know the root cause, and how I can restore the missing tabs? Thanks much.

My OS: macOS Catalina, 10.15.7
Xcode: 12.4
Safari: 14.1.1
Answered by louisyl in 676060022

I ended up upgrading my OS to Big Sur 11.3.1 from Catalina. Then the Safari web inspector tabs come back.

Working combination:

  • OS: Big Sur 11.3.1
  • Safari: 14.1.1 (15611.
  • Xcode: 12.4 (12D4e)
Same here. The whole web inspector is completely broken since Big Sur 11.4. Even the tabs that are visible just won't work. At least if I try to debug a web view on my iPhone remotely. Apple, please fix this ASAP! It's unusable.
Same here. On Big Sur 11.5 Beta and iOS 14.5.5 / 14.4.
This is also impacting the Web Inspector if you are debugging a WKWebView in a simulator on a device. It effectively makes WKWebView un-debuggable at this point.

macOS Catalina 10.15.7 (19H1217)
Safari 14.1.1 (15611., 15611)
Xcode 12.4 (12D4e)

Thank you to everyone reporting this problem. It is now fixed in Safari Technology Preview 125, which you can download at

Accepted Answer

I ended up upgrading my OS to Big Sur 11.3.1 from Catalina. Then the Safari web inspector tabs come back.

Working combination:

  • OS: Big Sur 11.3.1
  • Safari: 14.1.1 (15611.
  • Xcode: 12.4 (12D4e)

Hi,  I just found that many tabs in my Safari Web Inspector are no longer there. 

For example, previously, I have the following tabs in Web Inspector: Inspector: Elements; Network; Sources; Timelines;  Storage; Graphics; Layers; Audit; Console; But now, I only have: Console; Sources; Audit; Does anyone know the root cause, and how I can restore the missing tabs? Thanks much.

My OS: macOS Big Sur, 10.15.7 Xcode: 12.5 Safari: 14.1.1(16611.

And I download at Safari Technology Preview 125,but same issue.

Same here. On My OS: macOS Big Sur, 10.15.7 Xcode: 12.5 Safari: 14.1.1(16611. And I download at Safari Technology Preview 125,but same issue.

You can customize which tabs appear in the menu. TO do so, right click next to an element and you can enable/disable any tabs.

Same... after last update of big sur

Safari: Version 14.1.1 OS: Big Sur 11.4 Xcode: Version 12.5 (961.1)

Same here... after the last OS update of Big Sur

Mac OS: 11.4 (20F71)

Mac Safari: 14.1.1 (16611.

iOS: 14.6

Xcode: 12.5 (12E262)

Same here.

Mac OS: 11.4 (20F71)

Mac Safari: 14.1.1 (16611.

iOS: 14.6

Xcode: 12.5 (12E262)

Same here... Everything is updated to the latest version and it still does not work.

The same issue here on XCode 12.5 and iOS Simulators, BigSur 11.4.

Safari Web Inspector tabs are missing