Mailto url encoding issue iOS 14.6

Hi there,

Since I upgraded to iOS 14.6 I have noticed that mailto urls no longer format line breaks correctly in default iOS mail application

eg: mailto:john@xxcom?subject=test&body=name%0D%0Aemail

Result in iOS 14.6 mail app (body)


Result in previous iOS versions mail app (body)



Is there any work around or solution to this issue?

I had to create a login in this Forum just to join this thread. Seriously, this has to be considered a bug rather than a "feature". I'm very sure that thousands of apps use pre-filled t mailto urls using line breaks. If you're going to change all the standards on how you'll accept url linking from now on, at least take your time to document it or offer a workaround for developers that depend on it, now we're all with our hands tied scraping hopelessly at this thread for workarounds.

Just made an account to say the same thing. Please, please, please Apple, this needs to be fixed. This is clearly a bug that's causing a lot more harm than it's theoretically trying to prevent and this thread is proof of it. Unbelievable.

Hey Guys, it seems it has been solved. I have received this email from Apple. I did not check yet though and I cannot check this morning. Try on your side ;-)

Thanks  @Scott J for having prepared the feedback. United we stand !..

Hi Mike,

As a result of your feedback, there are software changes in the latest update, build 19A5318f, that have resolved this issue. You can see the software build your device is running and check for the latest update by tapping on Settings > General > Software Update.

Has this issue been resolved after installing the latest update? If not, please file a new feedback report.

Feedback ID FB9383355, mailto URL scheme no longer supports line breaks

Do not reply to this email. 

iOS 15 does remove the BR codes on the iPhone.

Hi.. In UK. Using iPhone 7. Can't upgrade to iOS15

If anyone else is struggling, my work around is to use the Outlook Mail App as default Mail. Works as it should do.

This is still not fixed?

I spent a couple hours trying to debug this thinking it was my fault.

I'm still running into this issue testing on iOS 15.6.1.

Can anyone confirm it's working for them on iOS 15?

Mailto url encoding issue iOS 14.6