Cannot Build Debug - "App requires a provisioning profile with Push Notifications etc"

I am using Xcode 12.5 and automatic signing. I can build release locally but cannot build debug to run on my device.

Code Signing Error: "Unity-iPhone" requires a provisioning profile with the In-App Purchase, Game Center, and Push Notifications features. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor.

Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 14.5'

Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 14.5'

I have checked everything several times. My provisioning profile includes those capabilities. I have revoked and created my certificates and provisioning profiles in Xcode. I even went as far as so configure APNs with SSL certificates but I still keep getting the same error.

I have tried manual code signing, and checked my build settings. Identity, team, profile settings all seem to be correct.

I have also tried manual code signing and again everything looks correct my build settings.

Same error no matter what I do. Really at a loss here.

  • Facing similar problem. ' xxxx' requires a provisioning profile with the In-App Purchase and Push Notifications features. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor.  Build fails on appcenter BUT works locally on xcode.

    Any suggestions?

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I am still sweating blood over this. I have revoked all certs, recreated all provisioning profiles and restarted my machine several times now. No matter what I do I get the same error. I am an experienced iOS developer (I had an iPad game out the day the iPad launched) and have never experienced anything like this.

My process:

  • Certs - Distribution, Development, APNs, Apple Push Services all recreated
  • App Id - In-app Purchase, Push Notifications, Game Center (iOS only) turned on
    • Push Notifications is configured with Production and Development SSL certs
  • Provisioning Profile is Eligible in Xcode
  • Manual code signing

Same error

  • Turn on Automatic code signing

Same error

  • Revoke all certificates
  • Delete all provisioning profiles
  • Delete contents of my /Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles folder
  • Ensure that there is no “entitlements” file

Same error

Even with no certs or provisioning profiles installed I get the same error!

If you could send us some diagnostic information in a Feedback issue, we can see if we can figure out what's going on.

Launch Xcode like so in Terminal:

`xcode-select -p`/../MacOS/Xcode -DVTCodesigningAllTheThingsLogLevel 3 -IDEProvisioningManagerLogLevel 3

Reproduce the issue. Copy Xcode’s output from Terminal to a text file and attach it?

Thank you, I have submitted an issue with the terminal output and the build output attached.

  • Was there a solution to this issue? I'm having a very similar problem.

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I am having a similar issue. Testing for remote push notifications does nıt seem to be possşble beyond simulated messages. So ş will try Firebase.So much time was wasted on this.

Facing similar problem. ' xxxx' requires a provisioning profile with the In-App Purchase and Push Notifications features. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. Build fails on appcenter BUT works locally on xcode. Any suggestions?