about how to implement Picture in Picture mode for the new video calling service

I have a question about how to implement Picture in Picture mode for the new video calling service, I have already read some of the documentation provided by Apple.

  1. Is it possible to implement Picture in Picture mode even if I use an external SDK for video calling such as Agora to implement the video calling service?


  1. Is it possible to set the call screen to Picture in Picture mode for a non-video call?

  2. Do you think it would be difficult to implement on iOS15 or earlier (e.g. iOS14)? (I read this article.) In iOS 15 and earlier, you cannot keep the camera active during PiP, so unfortunately video calls are not possible. However, in iOS 15, the "Multitasking Camera Access Entitlement" allows you to use the AVPictureInPictureController to keep the camera recording while in PiP mode).

  3. Is this definitely feasible this fall when iOS15 is available?

Have you found any solution for this issue @Hidetaka_Ko?

about how to implement Picture in Picture mode for the new video calling service