Untrusted developer and unpaid developer account

I was deploying my apps to my device fine until I upgraded to iOS 15 public beta 3 and XCode 13 beta 3. Now it shows the message "Untrusted Developer: Your device management settings do not allow using apps from developer ...". I don't find anything in Settings > General > VPN & Device Management where I can press trust for the app. I've deleted the provisioning profiles in XCode but that didn't help. Can you deploy apps to a device with beta software on an unpaid developer account?

Accepted Answer

The solution is to create a new Apple Developer account. In XCode go to Signing & Capabilities, in the team drop-down select "Add an account..." and sign into your new account. Press Run in XCode. It will come up with the same message but go to Settings > General > VPN & Device Management and trust the app under "Developer App". This didn't appear before.


This seem to be an issue not just on the beta versions of iOS 15, but on the stable, publicly released one as well.

Is there a way to keep the old icloud account?

Repeating some bits from the correct answer above BUT I did not create a new developer account. I initially thought I needed to fork out for a new membership. I created a new Apple ID. Then in the project in XCode, Signing & Capabilities, under Team, I 'Add an account' with that new apple ID. Remember to also generate a certificate and have a unique bundle identifier. Hopefully this is straightforward.

Then from there, clicked build, it asked me to enter my password a few other times and I clicked 'always allow'.

The app magically showed up on my phone with the same 'not trusted device etc etc' and then in Settings > General > VPN & Device Management, the newly created Apple ID appeared with the app I was working on and click Trust.

Like many of you, I was like ????, this is hopefully a temporary issue. I have also created a ticket to report this as a bug.

Some additional stuff that you might be interested in :

  • I deleted the app on my phone that still thought I was my OG apple ID (gone but not forgotten)
  • Building using react native, metro doesnt seem to be work like it did but the app does so hey

Had/Have the same problem, however... I have an unpaid account at the moment, so that affects the whole thing. It means that I can only have 1 (one) free app on the phone at a time. pain. It just tells me I can't, and won't install another one. OK. That's fine. I understand that.

So, I can not get it to recognise or install an app under my original developer ID. and Bundle identified. No profiles show up on the phone and it gives me the error messages. ok. bummer.

So finally, use a different AppleID, and Bundle Identifier, and it builds and installs the app no problems after warning me on the iPhone and Xcode that it's untrusted. BUT - The profile shows up now in Profiles on the iPhone and So I Trust that, and it installs the app.

Further. If you want to work on a different app, you have to delete the app you installed, which also deletes your new profile. Setting up a new app with a new bundle identifier and building and installing also installs a new profile which you have to trust.

The original problem is not resolved, but you can at least work on ONE app at a time now. Who knows what sort of mess I'll find now when I reregister my Developer account.

Please Apple, do something! Creating a new apple id is not a solution! What is goring on here. iOS 15 is not beta anymore.

It looks like Apple have fixed the issue. It seems to only affect some developer accounts. I got an email from them and this is their instructions:

In order to install development builds on the most recent releases, you’ll need to be issued new provisioning profiles.

  1. In the Finder menu bar, open the Go menu and select Go to Folder
  2. Enter the file path ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
  3. Optionally back up these files by copying them to another directory
  4. Remove any files created after June 6, 2021

When you build to your device, Xcode will detect that there are no cached profiles eligible for your app and automatically request a new provisioning profile.

I set Build Settings: Signing: 'Enable App Sandbox' to 'No' . It works again. I had this problem suddenly after days of a functioning app, sandbox functioning for days before suddenly not.

I just ran into a similar issue. I wanted to make a quick update on my Flutter app which I did in Android Studio, then went back into Xcode to run the app.

When the build finished and the app was installing, I got the same error message as you.

What I did to solve this issue was simple: I deleted the app on my iPhone, then rebuilt the app in Xcode successfully.


Untrusted developer and unpaid developer account