Automating Split Screen View

I would like to automate opening two finder windows in split-screen View (the full screen split view you get by hovering over the green full-screen button and selecting Tile Window, not the windows style maximize) If possible preferably via AppleScript but would be okay with Automator or shortcuts. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Running an M1 Air on Monteray. my current workaround is this AppleScript, however, I would like to be using split-screen so it's in its on mission control workspace. PS New to mac and Applescript.

tell application "System Events" to set the autohide of the dock preferences to true
tell application "Finder"
	close windows
	open ("/Users/arthur/" as POSIX file)
	set screenBounds to bounds of window of desktop
	set screenWidth to item 3 of screenBounds
	set screenHeight to item 4 of screenBounds
	set the position of the front Finder window to {0, 0}
	set the bounds of the front Finder window to {0, 0, screenWidth * 0.5, screenHeight * 1}
	make Finder window
	set the position of the front Finder window to {screenWidth * 0.5, 0}
	set the bounds of the front Finder window to {screenWidth * 0.5, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight * 1}
	set the target of Finder window 1 to ("/Users/arthur/Downloads" as POSIX file)
end tell

I wish apple would add dual pane mode to finder :(

Hello, I am trying the same. I am asking around but no solution yet. Have you got the solution?

Automating Split Screen View