Xcode 13 - SPM InvalidManifestFormat

Just upgraded to Xcode 13. Opened a Swift package i've been working on and getting all kinds of build errors. I clicked "Reset Package Caches" because theres no place to select a run destination, which means I can't clean the project.

It crashes when downloading dependencies with this error on one of them saying it can't figure out what "exactItem" is.

This has been working fine on multiple versions of Xcode 12. Looks like an Xcode bug, any insight would be appreciated

invalidManifestFormat("/var/folders/z5/lvlxhdt138l_7sb148yl_tqc0000gn/T/TemporaryFile.xBESmT.swift:17:76: error: reference to member \'_exactItem\' cannot be resolved without a contextual type\n    .package(url: \"https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift.git\", ._exactItem(\"1.3.2\"))\n                                      ^",
diagnosticFile: Optional(<AbsolutePath:"/Users/simonmcloughlin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iOS-Example-cfdygpazfzfyotasyfwmjjycvhbq/SourcePackages/ManifestLoading/torus-direct-swift-sdk.dia">)) in https://github.com/simonmcl/torus-direct-swift-sdk

Had the same issue. Removing all caches and temporary files resolved issue.

clear: /Users/simonmcloughlin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and probably this /var/folders/z5/lvlxhdt138l_7sb148yl_tqc0000gn/T/TemporaryFile.xBESmT.swift

This doesn't work. I am still getting same issues. I tried to find out that temporary file but it doesn't exists in the specified path.

Xcode 13 - SPM InvalidManifestFormat