Reality Composer (RC) Entity visible bug?

In RC, I designate an Object as hidden at Scene start. In my application, I anchor the Object as a new Child (anEntity) to an AnchorEntity active in the arview. anchorEntity.addChild(anEntity)

When I execute the following line: anEntity.isEnabled = true, the object does not become visible. anEntity.isActive value true.

What am I missing? or is this a RC/RealityKit bug?

  • Environment: xcode 12.5.1, ios 14.8, ipadPro

  • The anchorEntity is properly composed based in an ImageDetect (ARImageAnchor) in the func session() code. This code has been in use for 8months, working correctly. Scale is not a problem, I validate that by not doing SceneStart hidden for the Object, and just show/hide the object (isEnabled true/false). Which works fine.

    You can quickly reproduce this in the HelloAR app by creating a single behavior for the Box object with SceneStart hidden. Then in the boilerplate code add Box.isEnabled = true. And then you reproduce the problem. Take the same object remove hide from SceneStart and put in a Notification behavior, fire the notification in code to hide, put a wait in your code for the visual change to be obvious, then run the Box.isEnabled = true and it works correctly.

  • just upgraded my ipadOS app to iOS15 and the AR part of the app is now completely broken. literally no AR functionality works. other than that, an awesome upgrade;)

    I verified I'm not crazy by installing the same app to iPad8 running iOS14.8 and my AR functionality works fine.

    broken environment: xcode13, ios15 (prod release), ipadPro working environment: xcode13, ios14.8, iPad8

    I think this is worth a zoom meeting to demo my findings with the apple dev team.

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How are you initializing your AnchorEntity, and are you adding it to your arView? Also check the scale of the object you are adding, maybe it is too big or too small for you to see. Also, try running RealityKit in nonAR mode, maybe there is some issue with ARKit not being localized. If none of those work, feel free to file a bug on Feedback Assistant.

  • no one ever acknowledges my bug reports in Feedback Assistant. Have submitted several on Reality Composer and RealityKit.

  • Post your feedback numbers and I will see what the status is with them.

  • `import SwiftUI import RealityKit

    struct ContentView : View { var body: some View { return ARViewContainer().edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) } }

    struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable {

    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView { let arView = ARView(frame: .zero) // Load the "Box" scene from the "Experience" Reality File let boxAnchor = try! Experience.loadBox() // Add the box anchor to the scene arView.scene.anchors.append(boxAnchor) // //boxAnchor.steelBox?.isEnabled = false let seconds = 4.0 DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + seconds) { boxAnchor.steelBox?.isEnabled = true } return arView } func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {}

    }` RC: [object Object]