Reality Composer Pro

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Prototype and produce content for AR experiences using Reality Composer Pro.

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RC Pro Timeline Notification Not Received in Xcode
I'm having a heck of a time getting this to work. I'm trying to add an event notification at the end of a timeline animation to trigger something in code but I'm not receiving the notification from RC Pro. I've watched that Compose Interactive 3D Content video quite a few times now and have tried many different ways. RC Pro has the correct ID names on the notifications. I'm not a programmer at all. Just a lowly 3D artist. Here is my code... import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent extension Notification.Name { static let button1Pressed = Notification.Name("button1pressed") static let button2Pressed = Notification.Name("button2pressed") static let button3Pressed = Notification.Name("button3pressed") } struct MainButtons: View { @State private var transitionToNextSceneForButton1 = false @State private var transitionToNextSceneForButton2 = false @State private var transitionToNextSceneForButton3 = false @Environment(AppModel.self) var appModel @Environment(\.dismissWindow) var dismissWindow // Notification publishers for each button private let button1PressedReceived = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .button1Pressed) private let button2PressedReceived = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .button2Pressed) private let button3PressedReceived = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .button3Pressed) var body: some View { ZStack { RealityView { content in // Load your RC Pro scene that contains the 3D buttons. if let immersiveContentEntity = try? await Entity(named: "MainButtons", in: realityKitContentBundle) { content.add(immersiveContentEntity) } } // Optionally attach a gesture if you want to debug a generic tap: .gesture( TapGesture().targetedToAnyEntity().onEnded { value in print("3D Object tapped") _ = value.entity.applyTapForBehaviors() // Do not post a test notification here—rely on RC Pro timeline events. } ) } .onAppear { dismissWindow(id: "main") // Remove any test notification posting code. } // Listen for distinct button notifications. .onReceive(button1PressedReceived) { (output) in print("Button 1 pressed notification received") transitionToNextSceneForButton1 = true } .onReceive(button2PressedReceived.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)) { _ in print("Button 2 pressed notification received") transitionToNextSceneForButton2 = true } .onReceive(button3PressedReceived.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)) { _ in print("Button 3 pressed notification received") transitionToNextSceneForButton3 = true } // Present next scenes for each button as needed. For example, for button 1: .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $transitionToNextSceneForButton1) { FacilityTour() .environment(appModel) } // You can add additional fullScreenCover modifiers for button 2 and 3 transitions. } }
Reality Composer Pro Performance on iOS
I need help to wrap my head around this... If I import the Reality Composer Pro package and load it into an ARView, I will see 1.3gb of memory usage and about 180-220% cpu usage. The frames will start at around 60fps, and then eventually drop to around 30fps. If I export the usdz from Reality Composer Pro and load that into the same ARView, I will see about 1gb of memory usage and around 150% cpu usage; fps holds longer at 60 but eventually drops. If I load that same usdz into a QuickLook view, I will see about 55mb of memory usage, 9-11% cpu, and the frames stay locked at 116fps. The only thing I notice is the button I have is slightly less responsive, but it all still works fine. I don't understand. How can I make the ARView work as efficiently as QuickLook?
How to programmatically update Model Position Offset of GeometryModifier?
is it possible to dynamically update ModelPositionOffset of GeometryModifier with a depth map image? in my code I set up the parameter for "DepthMapTexture" universal input node and tried setting the depth map for depthTextureResource. I have 2 DrawableQueues. One for setting InputTexture, and one for setting DepthMapTexture. This only shows the part that concerns setting DepthMapTexture this is where I define the plane entity. and this is the shader graph what I noticed with GeometryModifier is that, the depthMap image has to be same as input image's dimensions. and when I applied this material to usdz file, with pre-assigned image and depth map from RCP, and loaded that Entity from code, depth map was applied correctly. what I am unsure is that if it is impossible to define a model entity from code, apply ShaderGraphMaterial from RCP, and dynamically update the image used in GeometryModifier. Maybe I'm missing something when defining Entity, something that allows geometric modifications?
Can iOS and visionOS Devices Share the Same Spatial World in a Multiuser AR Session?
Hey everyone, I'm working on an object viewer where users can place objects in a real room using AR, and I want both visionOS (Apple Vision Pro) and iOS devices (iPad, iPhone) to participate in the same shared spatial experience. The idea is that a user with a Vision Pro can place an object, and peers using iPhones/iPads can see the same object in the same position in their AR view. I've looked into ARKit's Shared ARWorldMap and MultipeerConnectivity, but I'm not sure if this extends seamlessly to visionOS or if Apple has an official way to sync spatial data between visionOS and iOS devices. Has anyone tried sharing a spatial world between visionOS and iOS? Are there any built-in frameworks that allow for a shared multiuser AR session across these devices? If not, what would be the best way to sync object positions between them? Would love to hear if anyone has insights or experience with this! 🚀 Thanks!
System issues encountered when developing VisionOS related programs using Unity
Using Unity to develop VisionOS program, pressing the right knob of VisionPro during use will exit the Unity space and destroy the model in the space. The model in the space has been disconnected from the SwiftUI interface. After clicking the right knob, return to the system main interface, and then click the right knob again to return to the inside of the program. However, Unity space cannot be restored, and calling the discisWindow method on the SwiftUI interface has no effect, so the interface cannot be destroyed. Is there any solution??
Feb ’25
Why can't I load a ModelEntity from RealityKitContentBundle?
If I place the .usdz file in the project directory alongside other .swift files, ModelEntity loads it perfectly. However, if I try to load the same file from Reality Composer Pro under RealityKitContent.rkassets, I get the error: resourceNotFound("heart"). Could someone help me with this? Thank you so much Code: // // TestttttttApp.swift // Testtttttt // // Created by Zhendong Chen on 2/17/25. // import SwiftUI @main struct TestttttttApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } .windowStyle(.volumetric) } } // // ContentView.swift // Testtttttt // // Created by Zhendong Chen on 2/17/25. // import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct ContentView: View { @State private var enlarge = false var body: some View { RealityView { content in do { // MARK: Work let scene = try await ModelEntity(named: "heart") content.add(scene) // MARK: Doesn't work // let scene = try await ModelEntity(named: "heart", in: realityKitContentBundle) // content.add(scene) } catch { print(error) } } } } #Preview(windowStyle: .volumetric) { ContentView() }
Feb ’25
Issue with Behaviors + Timelines in VisionOS
Hello, I'm unable to activate a timeline in my application through an OnTap, OnAddedToScene or OnNotification. In RCP I can test and play the timelines easily. When running in the simulator or on device the timelines simply do not run, regardless of the method through which I try to call the API. I have two questions: How can I check that my timelines are in my RCP project that's loaded into the scene? I don't see timelines in the entity hierarchy when I debug in RealityKit Debugger Is Behaviors a component I can manually set at runtime? I can very clearly see the behaviors component attached to my entity in RCP, but when running this code: .gesture( TapGesture() .targetedToAnyEntity() .onEnded { value in if value.entity.applyTapForBehaviors() { print("Success!") } else { print("Failure.") } } ) It prints "Failure." every time indicating to me that the entity does not have a Behavior attached to it (whether that's a component or however else the Behavior is associated with the entity) I also have not had success using the Notification system or even the OnAddedToScene behavior trigger which should theoretically work if a behavior is attached to the entity which the tap experiment indicates it's not. For context this is my notification trigger code: private let notificationTrigger = NotificationCenter.default .publisher(for: Notification.Name("RealityKit.NotificationTrigger")) @Environment(\.realityKitScene) var scene Attachment(id: "home") { Button { name: NSNotification.Name("RealityKit.NotificationTrigger"), object: nil, userInfo: [ "RealityKit.NotificationTrigger.Scene": scene, "RealityKit.NotificationTrigger.Identifier": "test" ] ) } label: { Text("Test") } .padding(20) .glassBackgroundEffect() } .onReceive(notificationTrigger) { _ in print("test notification received") I am receiving "test notification received" print statements as well. I'm using Xcode 16.0 with VisionOS 2.0 on MacOS 15.3.1
Feb ’25
Loading USDZ with particle system crashes on Intel Macs
Hello, we have a RealityKit app that also runs on macOS via Catalyst. For specific USD assets containing particle systems we have observed a reproducible crash. Steps to reproduce: Open Reality Composer Pro Create new file Create simple particle system (default one is fine) export as USDZ Create project in Xcode Call Entity.load(… and pass in your USD Running this on an Intel iMac with macOS Sequoia 15.3 will lead to a crash with the following console log: validateWithDevice:4704: failed assertion `Render Pipeline DescrvalidateWithDevice:4704: failed assertion `Render Pipeline Descriptor Validation depthAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatDepthvalidateWithDevice:4704: failed assertion `Render Pipeline Descriptor Validation depthAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatDepthvalidateWithDevice:4704: failed assertion `Render Pipeline Descriptor Validation depthAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float) and stencilAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatStencil8) must match. ' iptor Validation depthAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float) and stencilAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatStencil8) must match. ' 32Float) and stencilAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatStencil32Float) and stencilAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatStencil8) must match. ' 8) must match. ' Xcode version: 16.2.0 iMac 2020 3,8GHz Intel Core i7 macOS Sequoia 15.3 FB16477373 It would be great if this could be fixed quickly or a workaround provided since it affects or production app. Thank you!
Feb ’25
[xrsimulator] Exception thrown during compile: cannotGetRkassetsContents
My friend cannot build my visionOS project in the simulator. He gets the following error. Error: [xrsimulator] Exception thrown during compile: cannotGetRkassetsContents(path: "/Users/path/to/Packages/RealityKitContent/Sources/RealityKitContent/RealityKitContent.rkassets") In Xcode, he is able to open the RealityKitContent package in realityComposer Pro by clicking on the Package.realitycomposerpro file. No warnings show up wrt this error in RCP either. All scenes appear to be usable/navigable in RCP. This error only comes up when he tries to build the project in Xcode command+b. The is no other information in the Report Navigator's Build logs for this error. The error is always followed by this next error. Error: Tool exited with code 1 Yikes, please help!
Feb ’25
Releasing a TextureObject from memory
Hi there! I´m trying to make a 360 image carousel in RealityView/SwiftUI with very large textures. I´ve managed to load one 12K 360 image and showing it on a inverted sphere with a ShaderMaterialGraph made in Reality Composer Pro. When I try to load the next image I get an out of memory error. The carousel works fine with smaller textures. My question is. How do I release the memory from the current texture before loading the next? In theory the garbagecollector should erase it eventually? Hope someone can help =) Thanks in advance! Best regards, Kim
Jan ’25
ShaderGraphMaterial on entity
Hi I try to make a 360 stereo viewer, and I have made a ShaderGraphMaterial on Reality Composer Pro. Im trying to use that material on a inverted sphere whitch is generated in Swift. When I try to attach the material I get this error "Type of expression is ambiguous without a type annotation" Here is the code (sorry im noob =) ): import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent import PhotosUI struct ImmersiveView: View { @Environment(AppModel.self) var appModel var body: some View { RealityView { content in // Add the initial RealityKit content guard let skyBoxEntity = await createSkybox() else { return } content.add(skyBoxEntity) } } } private func createSkybox () async -> Entity? { var matX = try? await ShaderGraphMaterial(named: "/Root/Mat_Stereo360", from: "360Stereo.usda", in: realityKitContentBundle) let sphere = await MeshResource.generateSphere(radius:1000) let entity = await Entity() entity.components.set(ModelComponent(mesh: sphere, materials: [matX])). //ERROR HERE: Type of expression is ambiguous without a type annotation //entity.scale *= .init(x:-1, y:1, z:1) return entity } I hope someone can help me =) Best regards, Kim
Jan ’25
Developer Capture and microphone input for audio-based apps
Hi Apple engineers, I'm currently working on an app that uses the incoming microphone audio and gives visual feedback to the user about the incoming audio. I would like to use Reality Composer Pro's Developer Capture to get a high quality recording of the app and its use cases for the App Store — but any time I have an in-progress capture, my app stops receiving the incoming audio. It almost seems as if the microphone audio is getting 'hijacked' during the screen capture, which prevents me from demonstrating the app's core features. Could you please advise on how to proceed?
Jan ’25
Reality Composer Pro Audio "On Tap" Behaviors Help
Looking for help on getting "On Tap" to work inside RCP for my AVP project. I can get it to work when using "on added to scene" but if I switch to "on tap", the audio will not play when attaching the audio to an entity in my scene. I'm using the same entity for the tap gesture that the audio is using for the emitter. Here is my work flow for the "on added to scene" that works correctly to help troubleshoot my non working "on tap". Behaviors: "on added to scene". action - timeline Input target: check mark enabled, allowed all Collision set to default Audio library: source mp3 file Chanel Audio: resource mp3 file above Timeline: Play Audio with mp3 file added This set up in RCP allows my AVP project to launch correctly with audio "on added to scene". But when switching behaviors to "on tap", the audio will no longer play and I can not figure out why. I've tried several different options and nothing works. Please help!
Jan ’25
Custom Component causing exc_bad_access
Hello, After watching the Work with Reality Composer Pro content in Xcode, I had created the following custom component. public struct TestComponent : Component, Codable{ public var text : String = "helloWorld" public init() {} } I had registered the custom component as suggested in App.init function init() { RealityKitContent.TestComponent.registerComponent() } The custom component is decoded and realityView shows the sphere, when I load the "Scene" from realityKitContent bundle. But if I export the scene to a separate file named "test_scene.usdz" on disk and shared to the simulator and then trying to load it load in reality view causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS #0 0x0000000194c8d508 in Swift._StringObject.getSharedUTF8Start() -> Swift.UnsafePointer<Swift.UInt8> () Printing the loaded entity, shows the customComponent but when trying to load in show realityview , crashes the app immediately. Is there a way to fix it?
Jan ’25