Xcode 13 does not weak link LinkPresentation framework?

I have an app with deployment target iOS 12 and I use the LinkPresentation framework. With Xcode 12 everything was fine, but after building with Xcode 13 the app crashes when running on iOS 12:

Termination Description: DYLD, Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/LinkPresentation.framework/LinkPresentation | Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/64035401-AB66-444D-A201-F8A694439799/***.app/*** | Reason: image not found

Has anybody the same experience?

Answered by a64 in 688462022

I've just ran into this. I resolved this by manually adding LinkPresentation.framework to "Link Binary with Libraries" build phase, and setting its status to Optional. I hope it helps!

Accepted Answer

I've just ran into this. I resolved this by manually adding LinkPresentation.framework to "Link Binary with Libraries" build phase, and setting its status to Optional. I hope it helps!


If you still have the issue after adding LinkPresentaion.framework to Link Binary with Libraries, you better check the status of LinkPresentation. The framework is optional, not required.

Xcode 13 does not weak link LinkPresentation framework?