iOS 15 cannot pop up App Tracking Transparency authorization UI

Please help from experts. I have called the ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization method to obtain tracking permissions. However, the authorization UI cannot pop up normally on iOS 15, and it can pop up normally on other iOS versions. I found a similar problem post in the forum:


  • From my experience, it does popup, but not if you ask it to popup immediately at app start.... I have it popup when user get BACK to home screen and not anymore upon app launch. It's as if there is a delay upon app start that prevents it to popup.

    Anyone has clarifications on this?

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Accepted Reply

The problem has been solved, just call it in applicationDidBecomeActive.


The problem has been solved, just call it in applicationDidBecomeActive.

And make sure you do not have another permission request at the same time (as notifications)