Universal Links to multiple apps (iOS 15)


We have two apps, both use the Universal Links mechanism, apps should be opened when user read NFC tag. The tag content is a URL link to our domain.

After updating to iOS 15, users faced the problem that they constantly see the application selection dialog when reading the nfc tag.

How to fix it? Previously, the selection dialog was displayed once and the value was stored.

Our aasa file on domain:

    "applinks": {
        "apps": [],
        "details": [
                "appIDs": ["*.*.app1"],
                "paths": ["*"]
                "appIDs": ["*.*.app2"],
                "paths": ["*"]
    "appclips": {
        "apps": [

I have been working on universal links recently and you have the old a new syntax of the AASA file in yours. Apple says that mixing the new and old syntax will cause the links not to work. Not saying this is your issue, just wanted to let you know what I had discovered this tidbit just recently.


Universal Links to multiple apps (iOS 15)