
Why is much of the return value information empty

The interface I have been using before, the message returned normal. But now a lot of the information in the return value is empty

Hey @limengke,

Thanks for pointing this out!

It looks like Apple made a change on the backend between late Wednesday the 13th and early Thursday the 14th which now has multiple App Store Connect API endpoints returning "null" values for build specific information. At least this is when I started noticing the changes.

I have attempted to call Apple Developer Support along with opening up a TSI / DTS ticket on this and was turned away both times. I am not currently sure what the proper way to report outages bugs is to Apple regarding the App Store Connect API, but if you find a way please post here and I will report this again as well!

Hopefully this helps!

I have noticed the same problem since last week. Now I get None/null instead of the version field.{id}/builds