Monterey bug cause trackpad not working

upgrade the macOs to Monterey 12.0.1(21A559) from Mojava, when i login in acoount to Destop, the trackpad not working, so i reset the PRAM/NVRAM and SMC, it don't work as well. i create a new root account and login in, the trackpad work well, but when i restart the system , the trackpad still not working.

I completely shutdown the system, unplugged the charging cable, closed the lid for 3-4 min, then turned it it on, now the trackpad is working.

I was having the same problem (trackpad not working after upgrading the OS to Monterey).

But I managed to make the trackpad work again by connecting a mouse and going into System Preferences > Accessibility > Pointer Control > Mouse and Trackpad and unchecking the option "Ignore trackpad when mouse or wireless trackpad is present".

Unfortunately, it seems I'm unable to disable the trackpad again until I restart the system, and after a restart, the trackpad is disabled again and I have to go through the process above once more.

Edit: ok, apparently, if I leave that option unchecked, the trackpad continues working after a restart, so I'll leave it unchecked for now.

Accepted Answer

Faced the same issue. Trackpad works while system boots up but becomes unusable immediately after logging into the system. For some weird reason this helped:

"System Preferences" -> "Accessibility" -> "Pointer Control" -> uncheck "Ignore built-in trackpad when mouse or wireless trackpad is present".

Never would expect this to work because I have not used any of those external devices with my MBP. What is more surprising is that it continues working even when you turn this option back again.

After updating Monterrey, I can't use the click with the trackpad. It happened two or three days after the update. Also, I can't use the press and hold function to make any window big than the usual size which it opens (the terminal, for example). I can only use the tap to move between windows, but it looks like the click, double click, and press and hold click functions are not working.

Thank you so much this worked for me also!

After a Monterey update: for the guys trying "System Preferences" -> "Accessibility" -> "Pointer Control" -> uncheck "Ignore built-in trackpad when mouse or wireless trackpad is present", and finding the box was never checked in the first instance, using a USB mouse or bluetooth trackpad, check the box. Reboot and using the USB mouse or bluetooth trackpad, uncheck the box and reboot again. Built-in trackpad was working again for me.

Works for me too! Many thanks!

I had this same problem occur just before I updated to Monterey which persisted after the Monterey update. Changing system preferences didn't work for me however after turning off my computer (Macbook Air 13" 2020) and leaving it off for about half an hour the trackpad was working when I switched the laptop back on.

My mouse won’t click either.It'll move the arrow, but won’t click. ugh Is there a way to get into system preferences through the keyboard??

My sister had this problem that I think got triggered in conjunction with upgrading from Big Sur to Monterey 12.3.1 – trackpad could move the arrow pointer at the login window, but as soon as she logged into her account the trackpad stopped working, only by connecting an external mouse could the arrow pointer be moved.

Creating a mew user account and logging into that worked however.

So I took a shot at searching for items named “trackpad” in username/Library/Preferences and deleted all .plist files that had “trackpad” in their name.

After a restart and log in to her account the trackpad kept working! So it seems at least one of those .plist files was causing the trouble.

I'd personally like to thank the developers at Apple for pushing an update that breaks something so simple as the mouse and trackpad, making my life as a developer, impossible. This problem is months old. Get it fixed please.

Thanks a lot! It worked very well for me! I was desperate and was already scheduling an appointment at Apple's customer service.

Troubled by same issue too. Trackpad works now after trying

"System Preferences" -> "Accessibility" -> "Pointer Control" ->"Double-Click Speed" (adjust one setting down from fast)

I fixed this issue by turning off my Magic Mouse. You could probably also disconnect/forget it in Bluetooth settings. Mine was stashed in my bag so I didn't need it.

Wow. After exhausting the local Apple Authorized Service Center and Apple Tech Support - this saved me. BIG Thanks!

Monterey bug cause trackpad not working