how to merge two entitlements

We need your help to merge two special entitlements into a single entitlement or provide a provisioning profile with both of these special entitlements so that our app can have them.

The entitlements: Name: ApplePay In-App Provisioning Distribution

and  Name: Apple Pay Pass Suppression iOS (Dist)

how can we achieve this?


Hello pjrocha. This is something the Apple Developer Program Support team can help you do. Use the Contact Us > Development and Support >  Certificates, Identifiers, and Provisioning Profiles path.


  • Thank you -Jasonag. And sorry for the late reply. I already did that but i guess i couldn't explain our need because nothing happened. I opened car 101419788083 and later case 101523784335 Can you help us with what I did wrong? Best regards PR

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Thank you -Jasonag. And sorry for the late reply. I already did that but i guess i couldn't explain our need because nothing happened. I opened car 101419788083 and later case 101523784335 Can you help us with what I did wrong? Best regards PR