Selectively reading sample buffers from specific time ranges and then writing them to an asset writer - why is the AVPlayer stuck loading?

Given an AVAsset, I'm performing a Vision trajectory request on it and would like to write out a video asset that only contains frames with trajectories (filter out downtime in sports footage where there's no ball moving).

I'm unsure what would be a good approach, but as a starting point I tried the following pipeline:

  1. Copy sample buffer from the source AVAssetReaderOutput.
  2. Perform trajectory request on a vision handler parameterized by the sample buffer.
  3. For each resulting VNTrajectoryObservation (trajectory detected), use its associated CMTimeRange to configure a new AVAssetReader set to that time range.
  4. Append the time range constrained sample buffer to one AVAssetWriterInput until the forEach is complete.

In code:

private func transferSamplesAsynchronously(from readerOutput: AVAssetReaderOutput,
                                       to writerInput: AVAssetWriterInput,
                                       onQueue queue: DispatchQueue,
                                       sampleBufferProcessor: SampleBufferProcessor,
                                       completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
 The writerInput continously invokes this closure until finished or
 cancelled. It throws an NSInternalInconsistencyException if called more
 than once for the same writer.
writerInput.requestMediaDataWhenReady(on: queue) {
    var isDone = false

     While the writerInput accepts more data, process the sampleBuffer
     and then transfer the processed sample to the writerInput.
    while writerInput.isReadyForMoreMediaData {
        if self.isCancelled {
            isDone = true

        // Get the next sample from the asset reader output.
        guard let sampleBuffer = readerOutput.copyNextSampleBuffer() else {
            // The asset reader output has no more samples to vend.
            isDone = true

        let visionHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(cmSampleBuffer: sampleBuffer, orientation: self.orientation, options: [:])
        do {
            try visionHandler.perform([self.detectTrajectoryRequest])
            if let results = self.detectTrajectoryRequest.results {
                try results.forEach { result in
                    let assetReader = try AVAssetReader(asset: self.asset)
                    assetReader.timeRange = result.timeRange
                    let trackOutput = AVTrackOutputs.firstTrackOutput(ofType: .video, fromTracks: self.asset.tracks,
                                                                           withOutputSettings: nil)
                    guard let sampleBuffer = trackOutput.copyNextSampleBuffer() else {
                        // The asset reader output has no more samples to vend.
                        isDone = true
                    // Append the sample to the asset writer input.
                    guard writerInput.append(sampleBuffer) else {
                         The writer could not append the sample buffer.
                         The `readingAndWritingDidFinish()` function handles any
                         error information from the asset writer.
                        isDone = true
        } catch {

    if isDone {
         Calling `markAsFinished()` on the asset writer input does the
         1. Unblocks any other inputs needing more samples.
         2. Cancels further invocations of this "request media data"
         callback block.

         Tell the caller the reader output and writer input finished
         transferring samples.

private func readingAndWritingDidFinish(assetReaderWriter: AVAssetReaderWriter,
                                    completionHandler: @escaping FinishHandler) {
if isCancelled {

// Handle any error during processing of the video.
guard sampleTransferError == nil else {

// Evaluate the result reading the samples.
let result = assetReaderWriter.readingCompleted()
if case .failure = result {

 Finish writing, and asynchronously evaluate the results from writing
 the samples.
assetReaderWriter.writingCompleted { result in

When run I get the following:

No error is caught in the first catch clause, and none are caught in private func readingAndWritingDidFinish(assetReaderWriter: AVAssetReaderWriter, completionHandler: @escaping FinishHandler), the completion handler is called.

Help with any of the following questions would be appreciated:

  • What is causing what appears to be indefinite loading?
  • How might I isolate the problem further?
  • Am I misusing or misunderstanding how to selectively read from time ranges of AVAssetReader objects?
  • Should I forego the AVAssetReader / AVAsssetWriter route entirely, and use the time ranges with AVAssetExportSession instead? I don't know how the two approaches compare, or what to consider when choosing between the two.


It looks like you may be missing a call to AVAssetWriter.finishWriting