Core Media

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Efficiently process media samples and manage queues of media data using Core Media.

Posts under Core Media tag

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Building the camera extension using CMake
Hello, I referred to the official camera extension example at I'm using CMake to build the camera extension plugin and integrate it into a Qt CMake project. When installing the system extension file, I receive a failure prompt with the following message: Error Domain=OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain Code=8 "Invalid code signature or missing entitlements" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid code signature or missing entitlements} Here are the entitlements files for the camera extension: <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\"> <plist version=\"1.0\"> <dict> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <array> <string></string> </array> </dict> </plist> The file for the camera extension: <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\"> <plist version=\"1.0\"> <dict> <key>CMIOExtension</key> <dict> <key>CMIOExtensionMachServiceName</key> <string>$(TeamIdentifierPrefix)$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)</string> </dict> </dict> </plist> And the entitlements file for the app: <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\"> <plist version=\"1.0\"> <dict> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <array> <string></string> </array> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> </dict> </plist> I'm looking forward to your response.
How to keep the core data updated in app and extensions.
I'm using core data in app, widget extension and intent, but I found the data is not updated between targets. such as I added a new record in app, the widget is not updated unless remove the widget and re-add it. I added a new record in intent, the data in app is not updated unless I run the app again. I have set container.viewContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true but it doesn't work. So how can I make the data is updated no matter it is modified any targets.
May ’24
how mediafilesegmenter generat AES-128 HLS?
I am using below commad line to generate AES-128 HLS, mediafilesegmenter -iso-fragmented --encrypt-key-file=my.key -S -f /Volumes/Samsung/pattern/vision_pro/hls/*** /Volumes/Samsung/pattern/vision_pro/***.mov but it always generates SAMPLE-AES, even I removed -S #EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=SAMPLE-AES,URI="enc.key",IV=0x7316166d6a85f56f3d4606eaebc3aa44 How I can generate AES-128 HLS? Thanks.
Apr ’24
iOS 17 and Thread Priority Inversion in Performance Checker
After upgrading to iOS 17, Thread Performance Checker is complaining of priority inversion when converting a CVPixelBuffer to UIImage through a CIImage instance. It might be a false-positive or an issue? - (UIImage *)imageForSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer andOrientation:(UIImageOrientation)orientation { CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer); CIImage *ciImage = [CIImage imageWithCVPixelBuffer:pixelBuffer]; UIImage *uiImage = [UIImage imageWithCIImage:ciImage]; NSData *data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(uiImage, 90); } The code snippet above, when running in a thread set to the default priority results in the message below: Thread Performance Checker: Thread running at User-interactive quality-of-service class waiting on a lower QoS thread running at Default quality-of-service class. Investigate ways to avoid priority inversions PID: 1188, TID: 723209 Backtrace ================================================================= 3 AGXMetalG14 0x0000000235c77cc8 1FEF1F89-B467-37B0-86F8-E05BC8A2A629 + 2927816 4 AGXMetalG14 0x0000000235ccd784 1FEF1F89-B467-37B0-86F8-E05BC8A2A629 + 3278724 5 AGXMetalG14 0x0000000235ccf6a4 1FEF1F89-B467-37B0-86F8-E05BC8A2A629 + 3286692 6 MetalTools 0x000000022f758b68 E712D983-01AD-3FE5-AB66-E00ABF76CD7F + 568168 7 CoreImage 0x00000001a7c0e580 3D2AC243-0880-3BA9-BBF3-A214454875E0 + 267648 8 CoreImage 0x00000001a7d0cc08 3D2AC243-0880-3BA9-BBF3-A214454875E0 + 1309704 9 CoreImage 0x00000001a7c0e2e0 3D2AC243-0880-3BA9-BBF3-A214454875E0 + 266976 10 CoreImage 0x00000001a7c0e1d0 3D2AC243-0880-3BA9-BBF3-A214454875E0 + 266704 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105e4a7bc _dispatch_client_callout + 20 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105e5be24 _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 176 13 CoreImage 0x00000001a7c0a784 3D2AC243-0880-3BA9-BBF3-A214454875E0 + 251780 14 CoreImage 0x00000001a7c0a46c 3D2AC243-0880-3BA9-BBF3-A214454875E0 + 250988 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105e5b764 _dispatch_block_async_invoke2 + 148 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105e4a7bc _dispatch_client_callout + 20 17 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105e5266c _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 832 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105e5343c _dispatch_lane_invoke + 460 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105e524a4 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 376 20 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105e5343c _dispatch_lane_invoke + 460 21 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105e60404 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh + 328 22 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105e5fa38 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 444 23 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f35a4f20 _pthread_wqthread + 288 24 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f35a4fc0 start_wqthread + 8
Apr ’24
Does CVE-2024-1580 affect my app?
I have an image viewing app with support for avif (and avis) images. I'm trying to figure out if the recent bug in CoreMedia (dav1d) affects my app. The apple security update: The vulnerable code path in dav1d is only reached when c->n_fc > 1 (, where c is the dav1d context. With some reverse engineering, the way I see CMPhoto calling into VideoToolBox (which internally calls into AV1SW.videodecoder, which is a wrapper around dav1d), the max frame delay is hardcoded to 1 in the dav1d settings which intern means that c->n_fc in dav1d is always 1. The vulnerable code path in dav1d is only reached when c->n_fc > 1 ( From my understand, this should mean that my app isn't affected. The apple security update however clearly mentions that "Processing an image may lead to arbitrary code execution". Surely I'm missing something?
Apr ’24
CoreMediaErrorDomain error -12865
Hello, can anybody help me with this ? I am downloading video in FS, and when I give that url to player it gives me this error. but this comes up only in case of m3u8. other format like mp4 are working fine locally. please help ! {"error": {"code": -12865, "domain": "CoreMediaErrorDomain", "localizedDescription": "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreMediaErrorDomain error -12865.)", "localizedFailureReason": "", "localizedRecoverySuggestion": ""}, "target": 13367}
Jan ’24
CMIO CameraExtension with DistributedNotificationCenter and
I got code of CMIO CameraExtension by Xcode target and it is running with FaceTime. I guess this kind of Extension has lots of security limitation. I like to run command like "netstat" in Extension. Is that possible to call I got keep getting error like "The file zsh doesn’t exist". Same code with worked in macOS app. I like to run DistributedNotificationCenter and send text from App to CameraExtension. Is that possible? I do not receive any message on CameraExtension. If there is any other IPC method between macOS app and CameraExtension, please let me know.
Dec ’23
CMIO Camera Extension and debug log
I made s target of "Camera Extension" on Xcode macOS Swift app. I got Swift code with CMIOExtensionDeviceSource. I add NSLog() and String.write() to file under FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory. My camera extension installaion was success and running with FaceTime. But I cannot see NSLog output or debug output temp file on Xcode or Console. How can I see debug output from my Camera Extension?
Dec ’23
Removing a system extension from a correctly-signed and setup "uninstaller" app fails
Hey folks, I have an application that ships a CoreMedia I/O system extension to create a virtual camera. We separately ship an "uninstaller" app, which is a notarised AppKit app. This uninstaller removes the app, containers, and the system extension via the following API: let request = OSSystemExtensionRequest.deactivationRequest(forExtensionWithIdentifier: pluginIdentifier, queue: .main) request.delegate = self OSSystemExtensionManager.shared.submitRequest(request) The OSSystemExtensionRequest API does correctly deliver metadata via propertiesRequest(forExtensionWithIdentifier: …), but when we attempt to remove the extension using the above snippet, we get a failure OSSystemExtensionError.extensionNotFound. The uninstaller app is signed with the same entitlements and certificate as the host app. It also embeds a copy of the system extension as required by the API. I think the crux of the issue is: Should this be expected to work? We're all code-signed correctly etc, and the only difference is that the removal request is coming from an app with a different bundle identifier to the one that installed it start with. Thanks!
Nov ’23
Rotate a CMSampleBuffer in swift5
I have a use case to rotate a CMSampleBuffer from landscape to portrait. I have written a rough code for it. But still am facing many issues with appending of the sampleBuffer to input frame. Here's the code: `guard let imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return nil } // Get the dimensions of the image buffer let width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(imageBuffer) let height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(imageBuffer) // Determine if the image needs to be rotated let shouldRotate = width > height // Create a CIImage from the buffer var image = CIImage(cvImageBuffer: imageBuffer) // Rotate the CIImage if necessary if shouldRotate { image = image.oriented(forExifOrientation: 6) // Rotate 90 degrees clockwise } let originalPixelFormatType = CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(imageBuffer) // Create a new pixel buffer var newPixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? let status = CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, height, width, originalPixelFormatType, nil, &newPixelBuffer) guard status == kCVReturnSuccess, let pixelBuffer = newPixelBuffer else { return nil } CVBufferPropagateAttachments(imageBuffer, newPixelBuffer!) // Render the rotated image onto the new pixel buffer let context = CIContext() context.render(image, to: pixelBuffer) CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer,CVPixelBufferLockFlags(rawValue: 0)) var videoInfo: CMVideoFormatDescription? CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateForImageBuffer(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, imageBuffer: newPixelBuffer!, formatDescriptionOut: &videoInfo) var sampleTimingInfo = CMSampleTimingInfo(duration: CMSampleBufferGetDuration(sampleBuffer), presentationTimeStamp: CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer), decodeTimeStamp: CMSampleBufferGetDecodeTimeStamp(sampleBuffer)) var newSampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer? CMSampleBufferCreateForImageBuffer(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, imageBuffer: newPixelBuffer!, dataReady: true, makeDataReadyCallback: nil, refcon: nil, formatDescription: videoInfo!, sampleTiming: &sampleTimingInfo, sampleBufferOut: &newSampleBuffer) let attachments: CFArray! = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, createIfNecessary: true) let dictionary = unsafeBitCast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0), to: CFMutableDictionary.self) if let attachmentsArray = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, createIfNecessary: true) as? [CFDictionary] { for attachment in attachmentsArray { for (key, value) in attachment as! Dictionary<CFString, Any> { if let value = value as? CFTypeRef { CMSetAttachment(newSampleBuffer!, key: key, value: value, attachmentMode: kCMAttachmentMode_ShouldPropagate) } } } } return newSampleBuffer! The error that I am getting while appending the frame is: Error occured, isVideo = false, status = 3, Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-12780), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSUnderlyingError=0x282b87390 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12780 "(null)"}} I read online that this error might be due to different PixelFormatType. But how can that be because I am obtaining the PixelFormatType from the buffer itself. If you want to see the difference between original and rotated sample buffer. Thanks in advance!
Nov ’23
MPRemoteCommandCenter likeCommand and dislikeCommand
I'm trying to show likeCommand and dislikeCommand on the Lock Screen of a music player without success. Are they still supported ? Is there any special configuration on the player or the track for them to show? My current code which works for playCommand looks like this MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().likeCommand.addTarget { [unowned self] _ in if isPlaying { return .success } return .commandFailed }
Oct ’23
AV1 Hardware Decoding
Recently I've been trying to play some AV1-encoded streams on my iPhone 15 Pro Max. First, I check for hardware support: VTIsHardwareDecodeSupported(kCMVideoCodecType_AV1); // YES Then I need to create a CMFormatDescription in order to pass it into a VTDecompressionSession. I've tried the following: { mediaType:'vide' mediaSubType:'av01' mediaSpecific: { codecType: 'av01' dimensions: 394 x 852 } extensions: {{ CVFieldCount = 1; CVImageBufferChromaLocationBottomField = Left; CVImageBufferChromaLocationTopField = Left; CVPixelAspectRatio = { HorizontalSpacing = 1; VerticalSpacing = 1; }; FullRangeVideo = 0; }} } but VTDecompressionSessionCreate gives me error -8971 (codecExtensionNotFoundErr, I assume). So it has something to do with the extensions dictionary? I can't find anywhere which set of extensions is necessary for it to work 😿. VideoToolbox has convenient functions for creating descriptions of AVC and HEVC streams (CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets and CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromHEVCParameterSets), but not for AV1. As of today I am using XCode 15.0 with iOS 17.0.0 SDK.
May ’24
AVAssetWriter error -12743 appending HDR Metadata
It seems AVAssetWriter is rejecting CVPixelBuffers with error -12743 when appending NSData for kCVImageBufferAmbientViewingEnvironmentKey for HDR videos. Here is my code: var ambientViewingEnvironment:CMFormatDescription.Extensions.Value? var ambientViewingEnvironmentData:NSData? ambientViewingEnvironment = sampleBuffer.formatDescription?.extensions[.ambientViewingEnvironment] let plist = ambientViewingEnvironment?.propertyListRepresentation ambientViewingEnvironmentData = plist as? NSData And then attaching this data, CVBufferSetAttachment(dstPixelBuffer, kCVImageBufferAmbientViewingEnvironmentKey, ambientViewingEnvironmentData! as CFData, .shouldPropagate) No matter what I do, including copying the attachment from sourcePixelBuffer to destinationPixelBuffer as it is, the error remains! var attachmentMode:CVAttachmentMode = .shouldPropagate let attachment = CVBufferCopyAttachment(sourcePixelBuffer!, kCVImageBufferAmbientViewingEnvironmentKey, &attachmentMode) NSLog("Attachment \(attachment!), mode \(attachmentMode)") CVBufferSetAttachment(dstPixelBuffer, kCVImageBufferAmbientViewingEnvironmentKey, attachment!, attachmentMode) I need to know if there is anything wrong in the way metadata is copied.
Oct ’23
AVPlayer Subtitle Styling
In our application, we play video-on-demand (VOD) content and display subtitles in different languages. The format we prefer for subtitles is WebVTT. We are planning to enhance caption styling (text color, background color, font weight, etc.) in WebVTT files. In our current flow, subtitles and images are loaded in 6-second chunks. Below is an example of one of the subtitle parts we use: WEBVTT X-TIMESTAMP-MAP=MPEGTS:0,LOCAL:00:00:00.000
Sep ’23
CMIO Camera Extension Installation Error (Invalid code signature or missing entitlements)
Hi! I'm trying to move from CoreMedio I/O DAL Plug-In to CoreMedia I/O camera extensions, announced in macOS 12.3. I created a test extension, placed it inside my app bundle into Contents/Library/SystemExtensions and signed with codesigning certificate. But when I try to install my extension from inside my app, using this code (Swift): func installDriver() { guard let extensionIdentifer = DriverInstaller.extensionBundle().bundleIdentifier else { return } let activationReq = OSSystemExtensionRequest.activationRequest(forExtensionWithIdentifier: extensionIdentifer, queue: .main) activationReq.delegate = self OSSystemExtensionManager.shared.submitRequest(activationReq) } I'm getting an error: OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain error 8: Code Signature Invalid which is rather generic. Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong? Or at least propose some steps to find it out? I'm posting here entitlements and codesign output for my extension and containing application for further information. Executable=../Contents/Library/SystemExtensions/com..RoomDevice.Extension.systemextension/Contents/MacOS/com..RoomDevice.Extension [Dict] [Key] [Value] [Bool] true [Key] [Value] [Array] [String] 893K7MTL2H. com.. [Key] [Value] [Bool] true Executable=**********/Contents/MacOS/***** [Dict] [Key] [Value] [String] [Key] [Value] [Bool] true [Key] [Value] [String] 893K7MTL2H [Key] [Value] [Array] [String] 893K7MTL2H. com..******** Executable=***/Contents/MacOS/**** Identifier=com..RoomDevice Format=app bundle with Mach-O universal (x86_64 arm64) CodeDirectory v=20500 size=1345 flags=0x10000(runtime) hashes=31+7 location=embedded Hash type=sha256 size=32 CandidateCDHash sha256=3584714367d59119b462d0f830247d27ff1fbace CandidateCDHashFull sha256=3584714367d59119b462d0f830247d27ff1fbace53419d69abaa658fbb7a4f12 Hash choices=sha256 CMSDigest=3584714367d59119b462d0f830247d27ff1fbace53419d69abaa658fbb7a4f12 CMSDigestType=2 Launch Constraints: None CDHash=3584714367d59119b462d0f830247d27ff1fbace Signature size=4688 Authority=Developer ID Application: ****************(893K7MTL2H) Authority=Developer ID Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Signed Time=01-Sep-2023 at 12:00:09 PM Info.plist entries=22 TeamIdentifier=893K7MTL2H Runtime Version=13.3.0 Sealed Resources version=2 rules=13 files=6 Internal requirements count=1 size=216 Executable=/Contents/Library/SystemExtensions/com.*****.RoomDevice.Extension.systemextension/Contents/MacOS/com..RoomDevice.Extension Identifier=com.******.RoomDevice.Extension Format=bundle with Mach-O universal (x86_64 arm64) CodeDirectory v=20500 size=3627 flags=0x10000(runtime) hashes=102+7 location=embedded Hash type=sha256 size=32 CandidateCDHash sha256=70580825016b7e262fb15c280ba380ad4e871bc1 CandidateCDHashFull sha256=70580825016b7e262fb15c280ba380ad4e871bc108951adb8cd474d652567f4f Hash choices=sha256 CMSDigest=70580825016b7e262fb15c280ba380ad4e871bc108951adb8cd474d652567f4f CMSDigestType=2 Launch Constraints: None CDHash=70580825016b7e262fb15c280ba380ad4e871bc1 Signature size=4688 Authority=Developer ID Application: ************ Ltd. (893K7MTL2H) Authority=Developer ID Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Signed Time=01-Sep-2023 at 12:00:05 PM Info.plist entries=22 TeamIdentifier=893K7MTL2H Runtime Version=13.3.0 Sealed Resources version=2 rules=13 files=0 Internal requirements count=1 size=224 Please anyone help. Thanks in advance!
Sep ’23
CoreMediaErrorDomain : code : -16012
Hi , We are getting big spikes of errors on very few programs in some live channels. [-16012:CoreMediaErrorDomain] [Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-16012 "(null)"] When this error occurred , AVPlayer stops & users has to restart the playback. This is the error we are getting & this happens in some live programs. We have the same set up & uses same transcoders etc in all programs. Mostly we have very low error rate in player with live programs , but with this error , error rate can increase up to 80% of the users effecting pretty much all the users on apple devices. Does anyone know what this error actually means ? What is the context & what is the reason behind that ? It seems like this may be related subtitles & this occurs only when the subtitles are enabled. ( The subtitles are not embedded in the stream it is teletext ) Try to find in apple documents & online & nothing could be find unfortunately.
Oct ’23