How to eliminate boringssl log warning?

I built a currency converter app, which gets the live currency value through API and display it.

Testing on a physical phone my app works fine & no crash.

But whenever I do API call I am getting warning in the simulator as below:

[boringssl] boringssl_metrics_log_metric_block_invoke(144) Failed to log metrics

I have tried changing some values but nothing works

  • OS_ACTIVITY_MODE = default
  • DEBUG_ACTIVITY_MODE -> Debug -> any iOS simulator SDK = default

here my doubts are:

  1. How to eliminate this warning?
  2. Can I just ignore this warning?
  3. Will Apple accept my app with this warning?
  • Here how I used URLSession ` let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)

                let task = session.dataTask(with: url) {(data, response, error) in

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Accepted Reply

This is answered here, to some extent:

  • it was accidentally marked as right answer.

    @ AnnArborMark This is not the soultion and I have mentioned in my question itself that I tried it before which was not working to resolve the issue

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I get this problem as soon as my app starts, no API call is even made. Depressing, as nothing is worse than consoleLog filling up with stuff and developer having zero clue if its leading to OTHER problems in the app.

  • Yeah you are right. Still I haven't found the solution for the warning. Plan to submit my app and see what's next.

  • Same issue here. Did the issue lead to rejection? Or I should just ignore it

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I got some relevant answer from stack overflow and it helped me something.

Let me share here, If we run the app on physical device with Xcode simulator we don't get any issue and boringssl log warning also on Xcode simulator. This issue might be because of Xcode couldn't able to connect to internet when running the app or call API.

Hope this answer help someone!

  • It sounds like you are saying it's something that only happens with simulator and won't be anything of concern for devices/production. Is that correct? Would you be able to link the stack overflow article?


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This is answered here, to some extent:

  • it was accidentally marked as right answer.

    @ AnnArborMark This is not the soultion and I have mentioned in my question itself that I tried it before which was not working to resolve the issue

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it was accidentally marked as right answer. 

@ AnnArborMark This is not the soultion and I have mentioned in my question itself that I tried it before which was not working to resolve the issue.