Not able to verify app / developer profile after device update to iOS 15

I'm developing an iPad app that connects to a local server via a closed industrial WIFI, without internet connection.

When my iPad was iOS 14 there was no problem with running the code from Xcode 13 to the iPad connected to the closed WIFI without internet connection.

I upgraded the iPad to iOS 15 and now I get the alert: "Unable to verify app. An internet connection is required to verify the trust of the developer ... This app will not be available until verified.

Switching the iPad temporarily to a WIFI with internet connection, enables me to run the app from Xcode 13 fine.

But switching back to the closed WIFI without internet connection I again get the alert above.

Looking in Settings -> General -> VPN & Device Management, there is no certificates/profiles I can verify/approve.

How do I verify/approve a developer/app without internet connection?

Suggestions from this thread ( on disabling automatic signing, closing Xcode, removing existing profiles, restarting Xcode, reenabling automatic signing (recreating the profiles) doesn't help. Due to incompatibility on code signing between iOS 14 and iOS 15.

Even not with a new custom provisioning profile.

This seems like a bug on iOS15 - it's no longer possible to debug apps on offline devices. Apples war on 3rd party jail breakers seem to yet again be in the way of decent honest paying developers. Sad.

Apparently this is a known problem in iOS15. A workaround this is creating a paid developer subscription. This is not an acceptable work around and this needs to be fixed asap.

I think I've found a solution for this. Apple seems to have change code signing from iOS14 -> iOS15.

Automagically created certificates is of the type "iOS development" and for som reason when these are used on iOS15 they need online verification on every launch.

Deleting my developer certificate and creating a new one of the new type Apple development, solved my issue. The code signing now only has to be done online at the first launch - just like in the good old days.

I'd wish that Apple would stop messing with the code signing. Every time they do, they make these crazy edge case ****-ups.

For me the proper fix was to delete provisioning profile and development certificate and create a new of the "new" type "Apple development"

Just this month of Dec 2023 I was stuck in a similar situation on while using xcode on 14.2.1 .... when I verified the app ... the iphone screen would just flicker and nothing would change. It turned out that simply signing into the which I hadn't frequented in a while and just accepting the updated EULA made the difference. I didn't pay anything, simply went back and tried clicking the "verify app" button on my iPhone again and it worked out !!!

Not able to verify app / developer profile after device update to iOS 15