Apple sign in fail "Sign Up Not Completed"

Something seems to be wrong in the Apple Sign In modal.

After pressing the Continue button and going through Face ID, it displays Sign Up Not Completed and does not proceed. This was working fine a few days ago, but then I had to download a new provisioning profile and now it is broken.

There are no errors in the log when this happens, but when I close the sign in modal it logs:

[core] Authorization failed: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7003 "(null)" 

The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 1001.)

Please help! I even spun up a fresh new project and made new ID / Provisioning profile and this error is still happening.


Hi @qaverill, Did you find the solution? I too facing the same issue. tried deleting and recreating the keys but didn't work.

Ran in the same issue, this is poorly documented.

Same issue

Apple sign in fail "Sign Up Not Completed"