Specifying platforms for XCFramework

Hi, I have a project written in Rust and I have turned it into an XCFramework to use it in Swift.

The build command for the framework looks like this:

xcodebuild -create-xcframework \
    -library simulator/libmy_rust_lib.a \
    -headers include \
    -library ios/libmy_rust_lib.a \
    -headers include \
    -library macos/libmy_rust_lib.a \
    -headers include \
    -output MyRustLib.xcframework

Now, when -library macos/libmy_rust_lib.a \ is put on top of the other -library tags, the generated framework doesn't work. It only works when put in this order.

Why is this? Can I specify which library path xcodebuild should use for a specific platform? Is there any documentation available on this, because I have not been able to find any?

Thank you in advance, Jonas

Specifying platforms for XCFramework