Allowing 3rd party cookies on WKWebView

I am working on an app that loads a login page on a WKWebView. My client recently moved to a new MFA provider and this requires the app to allow 3rd party cookies.

I have been trying to allow certain 3rd party cookie but no luck. From hours of research it looks like Apple made this impossible... Is there a workaround to set WKWebView cookie accept policy and/or allow 3rd party cookies from specific domains?

Third-party cookies? That's up to Apple, and log some feedback. But enabling third-party cookies seems increasingly unlikely. Alternatives to using third-party cookies include using first-party cookies (which are also time-limited now), or using Sign In With Apple, or migrating to token-based logins akin to Twitter or using the built-in authenticator, or waiting for the MFA app to figure out how to update their implementation to use first-party cookies.

Allowing 3rd party cookies on WKWebView