CoreMediaErrorDomain -12034 and -12158

When playing several short HLS clips using AVPlayer connected to a TV using Apple's Lightning-to-HDMI adapter (A1438) we often fail with those unknown errors. CoreMediaErrorDomain -12034 and CoreMediaErrorDomain -12158

Anyone has any clue what the errors mean?

Environment: iPhone8 iOS 15.4 Lightning-to-HDMI adapter (A1438)

In case any Apple people checks, there's a Feedback related to this question: FB9987422.

Have you received any feedback from Apple or even found out what was the problem?

It may not be related but I'm currently having a CoreMediaErrorDomain -12035 error using the same AV adapter when streaming FairPlay-protected content but only on iOS 18+. It works fine on iOS 17.7.

CoreMediaErrorDomain -12034 and -12158